Kai had slammed Pars into the deck thanks to the ex-slave distracting the captain and had been about to decapitate him when Runali's orders reached his ears. He paused for a moment, debating the matter in his head. Eventually he leaned down to the now defeated captain and spoke to him "You loose." He said as he stood up, being sure to kick him a couple of times before walking away. He walked down into the armory of the ship, taking a quick look around he turned around and left "Nothing but garbage." he said to himself as he continued to pilfer from the ship. His next stop was the cargo hold, here he found a couple of items of interest, a treasure chest containing several sea charts, and an eyepatch adorned with a skull and crossbones. He grabbed these two items, thinking of the captain as he did so. He was about to leave when he noticed a pile of treasure carelessly thrown on the floor. He opened the chest he'd just aquired and piled the treasure in with the charts and closed the lid hastily before walking out. He stopped by the galley and grabbed the shiniest set of kitchen knives he could find, along with two, not so shiny, knives before heading back up to the main part of the deck. Here, Kai took out the two duller looking knives he'd gotten from the galley and looked up at the flag of the slavers. He took aim and then a moment later he hurled the knives at the flag, severing the ropes that connected it to the mast. The flag floated down to him on the breeze and he frowned as he caught it. Kai turned once again to look at Pars as he grabbed a rope and swung back over to the Coral Pearl, he landed with a thud and was in the process of taking in everything that was happening when he heard the name "Waterdeep." At this name his bones went cold and his eyes sharpened again. He dropped the items he'd collected on the deck of the ship with a series of thudding and clattering. Kai didn't wait for the others or even speak at all for that matter, he just wandered off into the ship's galley and sat down in the corner as he usually did. He knew of course that dinner wouldn't be for a while, but he wasn't really in the partying mood. He frowned as he thought again of this crew that Runali had assembled. He'd have to tell them the story eventually, especially if they were going to set foot in Waterdeep.