[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/45574/posts/ooc]Interest[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43104/posts/ooc]Checks[/url][/center] --- [center][img=http://bacc.cc/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/original.jpg][/center] --- [i]In the year 2045, mankind faced its greatest threat yet. A creature from another world, another dimension, one that became lost in space and time. Having landed on Earth, in our plane of reality, the massive creature displayed hostility against mankind and so caused destruction and chaos wherever it went. At that time, humanity was well adept in the use of technology, and so relied on their mechanisms to defeat the otherworldly creature. Unfortunately it proved to be insufficient in killing what would become known as the Great Beast.[/i] [i]And so began the Forever War, a conflict that many predicted would only end with the extinction of the human race. But hope was still present in the hearts of man, and soon their prayers were answered by the divine. On May 7th, 2049, a young girl named Sachiro Harime was visited by an almighty and unseen force.[/i] [i]This force referred to itself simply as The Dyteniteity. A being that created all realities and all worlds, including this one. This omnipotent presence saw sympathy within the human race, as even the Great Beast was naught but a child stemming from The Dyteniteity. And so the gift of Unity was trusted to Sachiro. The elaborate combination of both science and the arts, to utilize and craft with magic and technology side by side into transcending force.[/i] [i]Using this pure blessing, Sachiro paved the way for mankind's victory and defeated the Great Beast. Rejoicing at last, the Forever War had rightfully closed to an end.[/i] [i]50 years later.[/i] [i]It is now the year 2099. After the events of the Forever War, mankind united as a single race and a world wide government known as the Ultimatum was established. A young girl at its birth, the late Sachiro Harime was now a woman of prime youth who rules over the Ultimatum with the granted title of "The Superior." Under her rule are her four knights and generals of Ragnorak, loyal ones that directly serve and carry out her will: Yggdrasil, Asgard, Midgard, and Nifilhiem.[/i] [i]The Ultimatum holds simple goals: to protect the civilizations of humanity as well as store any and all information regarding the human race: the world's largest library. The gift of Unity has been shared with all humans, and are now mass produced through devices called Tomes. Literal manifestations of the blend between magic and technology, Tomes allow the user to summon forth the inner confines of one's soul and materialize it into solid shape. From weapons and tools, to just being a literary safekeep, each Tome is specific to each person's soul.[/i] [i]And so, peace reigns supreme in this bountiful and beautiful world built on Unity.[/i] [i]Or...so it seems.[/i] [i]A terrorist calling themselves "The Librarian" is reeking mayhem and disrupting the peace, all in the name of "liberation". Petty riot groups have been put down before, but this being has eluded the Ultimatum for months now, claiming that the world's protectors are nothing more but oppressing frauds.[/i] [i]As the fires of a rebellion begin to ignite, you find yourself caught in the midst in all this ongoing chaos. Will you fight for the order of Ultimatum? Or do you choose to rebel for "freedom"?[/i] [i]The fate of the world and all Unity lies in your choices.[/i] --- [hider=Accepted OCs][center] 1. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1293139]Asgard/Yuki Natsuko[/url]-TheWindel 2. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1291463]The Librarian/Angelo Ortega[/url]-Jangel13 3. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=5#post-1358863]Yggdrasil/Blaikenshi "Ace" Niveriim[/url]-ReaptheMusic 4. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1292784]Cole Carton[/url]-Athos 5. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1293343]Yagi Ai[/url]-Saccharin 6. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1293748]Jester the Magix Man[/url]-TheWindel 7. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1294867]The Superior of the Ultimatum, Sachiro Harime[/url]-TheWindel 8. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1300387]Alex Sinclair[/url]-Flamelord 9. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1302367]Thomas Reeves[/url]-Reigal 10. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=6#post-1369915]Eva/Red X[/url]-MisuChan 11. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=7#post-1379489]Nifilhiem/Kellerin "Kelly" Vendextrus[/url]-MemorialRose 12. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=7#post-1388948]Midgard/Daven Carwin[/url]-ShadowD 13. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=8#post-1402891]Reddo Middonaito[/url]-InvariantName 14. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=10#post-1412180]Evie Rul[/url]-ReaptheMusic 15. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=10#post-1413177]Edward James Clarkson[/url]-viper2170 16. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=19#post-1482945]Poseidon[/url]-Frosty 17. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43225/posts/ooc?page=22#post-1563325]Kurai Tamashi[/url]-AliceZaru[/center][/hider] --- [center][b][u]Official Event List[/center][/b][/u] [hider=Part I][b][center]1. The Jester muses on life. 2. Sachiro holds a meeting. Asgard shows up early. 3. The Librarian mounts an invasion and scales the Citadel 4. Elsewhere, Cole Carton blows up a defenseless veggy stand and walks away. 5. Alex Sinclair conducts manhunt on Cole. 6. Jester speaks with Asgard. Tells her there's attackers on the roof. 7. Alex continues his manhunt. 8. Cole crashes at a bar, while having flashbacks. 9. Librarian continues climbing Citadel. 10. Yggdrasil appears before Jester and Asgard. 11. Alex searches for Cole. 12. Jester leaves to deal with the intruders. 13. Librarian throws Jester off roof. 14. Still having flashbacks, Cole crashes at a motel while causing more public damage. 15. Yggdrasil leaves to deal with intruders alongside Asgard. 16. Nifilhiem wakes up and realizes there's a meeting. Runs down the hallways and ignores the attack. 17. Alex locates Cole. 18. Jester fails to hit the ground and finds himself conversing with Nifihiem. Asgard activates her Tome against the intruders. 19. Librarian realizes he's caught and drops a grenade on them. 20. Midgard reunites with the Knights. 21. Nifilhiem can't trust Jester. Inquires about the Superior. 22. Yggdrasil protects the Asgard with his Tome. And using her as a baseball. 23. Alex prepares to snuff out Cole. 24. Cole is a badass and confronts Alex. 25. Newcomer Reddo waits near the Citadel for orders. 26. Alex buys into Cole's threat. 27. Nifilhiem and Jester reunite with the Knights. Nifihiem and Midgard pursue the Librarian. 28. Yggdrasil gives words of encouragement. Also his Tome is a mecha angel. 29. Librarian runs away like a wuss. Probably caused casualties. 30. Cole pulls a James Bond on Alex.[/center][/b][/hider] [hider=Part II][center][b]31. Reddo goes through the vents and spies on the Jester. 32. Midgard chases Librarian. 33. Librarian uses goad. It's not very effective. 34. Reddo receives no new info and so abandons her spying. 35. Academy student Evie Rul laments on her day and heads toward the Citadel under attack in curiosity. 36. Alex and Cole head toward the Citadel. 37. Cole lets Alex off the hook. And some flesh wounds. 38. Newcomer Ed stays at a motel. 39. Reddo tires of waiting for Librarian and so steals Ed's sweet ride. 40. Nifilhiem activates her Tome and chases Librarian. 41. Librarian still running. 42. Ed wakes up, tracks his bike, and bitch kicks Reddo. 43. Reddo doesn't take this well. 44. Alex plays it cool and leaves Cole. 45. Clumsy Evie crashes into a fleeing Librarian. 46. Librarian apologies. Keeps running. 47. The Superior calls Asgard and Yggdrasil to her chambers. Jester becomes a creeper and stalks Cole and Evie. 48. Ed introduces himself. 49. Cole causes more stuff to explode than the recent Transformers movie. 50. Librarian finally escapes and relaxes in his swivel chair. 51. Reddo files a report. 52. Ed meets the Librarian. 53. Librarian gives a lecture. 54. Midgard becomes a gentleman and helps Evie up. Goads Librarian to fight like a man. 55. Ed uses the sob story card. 56. Librarian buys it and begins trust ceremony. 57. Reddo questions this whole "trust" thing. 58. Librarian begins an oath. 59. Ed follows oath. 60. Librarian makes Ed an official terrorist. There is much rejoice.[/b][/center][/hider] [hider=Part III][center][b] 61. Reddo acts Tsundere. 62. Alex gets his face burned off. But not really thanks to the faucets. 63. Evie wants to be special! Yggdrasil asks Asgard a question. 64. Midgard curses the Librarian. Heads back to the Citadel. 65. Thomas moves to investigate the Citadel. 66. Asgard answers Yggdrails Question. Jester addresses Cole. 67. Angelo has a job for Reddo. 68. Reddo dresses scantily clad for job: to get info. 69. Angelo sees Reddo off. 70. Ed talks guns with Angelo. 71. Reddo finishes her job and goes back to their hideout. 72. Angelo converses with Ed, acknowledges Reddo. 73. Yggdrasil and Asgard greet the Superior. Evie sees the Jester in person and fangirls. 74. More Gun talk with Ed. 75. MORE gun talk with Angelo and how to get them. 76. Thomas meets the Jester, Evie, and Cole. 77. Ed shows off his guns to Reddo and tells her to pick one. 78. Reddo picks the sniper and practices with it. 79. Librarians start operation swipe for more guns. 80. Ed gets, you guessed it, more guns. 81. Reddo... sigh... gets more guns... 82. Angelo leaves his mark. 83. Ed thinks about money. Tells Angelo he's going on a plane ride. 84. Sachiro greets her knights, Cole 'attacks' Jester and Jester protects Thomas and Evie from his blasts. 85. Midgard arrives to the Citadel. 86. Evie's Jealous, Yggdrasil is exasperated. 87. Alex goes to the hospital. 88. Thomas gives chase to the escaping Cole. 89. Reddo discovers a problem. 90. Angelo suggests the 'not panic' option.[/b][/center][/hider] [hider=Part IV][center][b] 91. Satisfied, Cole rushes to his hideout. 92. Reddo relaxes, finds news of the explosions at the Citadel. 93. The Superior reveals the Great Beast. Jester addresses Evies desire to be special. 94. Evie admits her desire. Yggdrasil states his loyalty. 95. Angelo makes sure it wasn't a Librarians fault. 96. Reddo finds Cole. 97. Asgard asks The Superior a question, sorta gets an answer. Jester asks Evie to be his Catalyst. 98. Thomas loses Cole, has a tantrum, pukes, and falls asleep. 99. Angelo ties up Cole. 100. Evie says yes, Yggdrasil is resigned to his fate. 101. Cole is taken to the Librarians Hideout. 102. Ed notes Coles existence. 103. Cole 'Wakes' and threatens captors. 104. Angelo questions Cole. 105. Reddo offers Ed tea. 106. Cole acts cuckoo for cocoa puffs. 107. Angelo ain't got time for that shit. 108. Alex is stuck in the hospital still. 109. Cole implodes, almost taking Angelo with him. 110. Nothing to see here. 111. Reddo saves Angelo and wakes Ed. 112. Jester notes Coles death, Turns to Evie to train her. 113. Ed steals medcal supplies using a high Reddo as distraction. 114. Reddo is high. 115. Kurai sighs and goes home. 116. Angelo also appears to be high and is forcibly put to rest for a while. 117. Evie is happy and starts training.[/center][/b][/hider]