Cassie hadn't had the faintest idea where they were going. All she did was follow Adrian and Akana down the hallways, glancing around a bit as she walked to keep an eye out for any employees or people with guns coming out of doors, and occasionally making a face whenever the rubber soles of her trainers squeaked on the smooth floor. All in all it was a very quiet and rather uneventful little walk until she felt Adrian suddenly take hold of her and push her down a hallway. It caught her off guard and she let out a little gasp as she bumped against Akana, who had pushed along with her. Then she heard the shouts. "Adrian!" she had wanted to shout before she heard the gunfire. She saw him start to run, but her vision became obscured by Akana, who had grabbed her and pulled open a door. Cassie stumbled backwards from the rough shove the Silurian woman had given her and she all but fell into the closet. The biggest surprise she received, however, was when she collided with someone and they fell to the floor together. Cassie was lying on top of the man (she supposed it was a man though it was difficult to tell in the dimly lit room and from her confusion) and she was stationary for a moment until she heard Akana's voice. She looked up to see the Silurian standing above her, her hood down and a gun in her hand and pointing at someone. Cassie turned her head to see who it was and saw a dark haired man with a very familiar face standing at the other end of the closet. She felt her jaw drop. "Jack?" ~~~ "Cassie?" Jack prided himself in not being surprised easily. But so far this day had been full of surprises. First watching the thing pretending to be the Doctor impale and absorb that unlucky soldier. Watching the door burst in on Dr. Taylor and a female figure knocking him to the ground before another one joined them hadn't really phased him. This was UNIT after all. Not even the second woman's reptilian face had made him blink. But hearing a familiar voice saying his name and looking down to see Cassie Baker looking up at him from where she and Malcolm had landed on the floor had, in fact, surprised him. He had known the girl was with Adrian but he hadn't been expecting to run into her right away. He hadn't even expected for the pair to have made it this far yet, especially with a Silurian in tow. He watched as the girl looked down at the man she had knocked over and let out a surprised noise. "Oh, Dr. Taylor I'm so sorry!" She pulled herself off of him and onto her feet before leaning down to help the doctor up. "Um, Cassie, want to tell your friend to lower her gun?" Jack was eyeing the Silurian woman uneasily. ~~~ "Akana, it's okay! I know them," Cassie looked over at her after she had helped Dr. Taylor off of the ground. "This is Dr. Taylor. He gave us the key into this place. And that's..." "Captain Jack Harkness," Jack said for her, smiling. "Ex-Time Agent, Ex-Torchwood operative. Still a specialist in all things alien however." He looked at the Silurian, Akana, seriously for a moment. "And we're on the same side. If you're with Cassie then you're with Adrian. We're here to help him..." He was cut off by the sound of the explosion. It made Cassie's heart almost leap out of her chest and her eyes went wide and she spun around to look at the doorway. "Adrian." She turned back around to look at the two men, her face pale. "Adrian's out there, they were shooting at him we have to help him! They think he's some sort of planet eating monster." "Cassie I...," Jack began, but she was continuing. "He can't be though. He saved my life, he's agreed to negotiate a treaty between Silurians and humans. Why would a monster do that?" "Cassie,"Jack said taking her arms, which finally made her stop talking and look up at him. "I know. I know Adrian's not the monster. I've seen the real one." Cassie's eyebrows furrowed. "Who is it?" "The Doctor. Or the man people this is the Doctor. The man these people are taking orders from, the ones who sent them after Adrian. I saw him kill a soldier Cassie, I saw the monster. And he's after Adrian right now." "Why would be be after Adrian?" "Because," Jack said slowly, "I think Adrian is actually the Doctor." Cassie glanced between the two men. "Who is this Doctor person? Dr. Taylor mentioned him earlier and now you keep talking about him. Doctor who?" She saw Jack smile. "The Doctor is a long story that we don't have time for right now. Come on. We need to find Adrian. It's not safe for him to be alone." ~~~ Jack lead the four of the out of the door and down the hall towards the area of the explosion. He was walking with confidence until he saw a crowd of guards and soldiers rushing into the hallway. "Turn, go! Back the other way!" But when he turned he could see more soldiers cutting them off and leveling their guns at them. Jack placed a hand on Akana's arm to keep her from raising the gun she was holding. "Take the three humans, but kill the other one like Dr. Smith ordered." Jack's blue eyes went steely, but before he could plant himself in front of the Silurian he saw Cassie do it first. "If you kill her you'll start a war," she said and Jack heard her voice staying completely steady despite the number of guns pointed at her head. Cassie stared at them though, pleadingly, and if she was terrified she didn't show it on her face. Jack could see her fingers shaking slightly under the sleeves of the coat that was too big for her but she continued to stand her ground. "You'll have to shoot me first." "Oh the hell with it," the soldier in charge said, and Jack could see his hesitance about gunning down a twenty one year old human girl just to follow orders. "Just take all of them into custody! Take them to control. Dr. Smith or the Doctor should be back soon." And Jack was still as the soldiers crowded around and arrested the two unknown humans, the one unknown alien, and one of their own scientists who had been compromised before shuffling them all down the hallway. ~~~ The thing that looked like Cassidy Marie Baker but really wasn't had no trouble at all getting into UNIT. It was easy really when she could just slip through the tiniest cracks and reform on the other side. She had waited before following her master and the people blindly following him, just as instructed. She had spent some time going through the original Cassie's closet and making a bit of a mess while she did so, tossing pants and shirts she didn't exactly feel like wearing onto the floor of the bedroom. She had finally emerged wearing something from the back. Nicer clothes that Cassie owned but didn't get a chance to wear anymore. The black pants and the silky purple blouse had felt good on her skin and she slipped on a pair of black boots to complete the look. She had looked at the image in the mirror and had smiled at her stolen face. Cassie Baker didn't have an unfortunate face and sometimes her hair wasn't too much of a nightmare. If only she were taller. Getting to the Tower had been simple after stealing some of Cassie's hidden money and hailing a cab. She had tipped the cabbie generously because she didn't exactly care about blowing someone else's money before circling the building. She blended in well with the tourists and visitors and children on school trips. Why shouldn't she? She came across an air vent and smiled before moving closer to it. She glanced around herself quickly, to make sure she was unobserved, before she melted into the form of black goo she truly was. The goo slipped through the vent and oozed through the tiny tunnels until it found an opening and began to drip through the cracks. The goo made a puddle on the white floor before it rose and reshaped itself into the stolen form again. The fake Cassie smoothed the blouse before looking up to see herself in a mirror and the white face of a man washing his hands at the sink. He spun around to gape at her as she smiled sweetly. "I need your gun, please." She moved forward quickly and with the strength the real Cassie didn't possess smashed his head into the mirror. He fell unconscious and she had to resist the urge to consume him. She was so hungry...but her master had told her not to kill. So instead she shoved him into a stall and took his gun and ID key card. She paused briefly at one of the unbroken mirrors and smoothed her hair a bit. Then she turned on her heel and went out into the hallway. the fake Cassie Bake raised her head and sniffed the air, catching the scent of the man her master coveted quite easily. A smirk touched her lips as she stared forward, following the scent as she clutched the gun in her right hand and the ID pass in the other.