[b]Characters:[/b] In this RP, there is a wide variety of character choices players can make. For starters, there are 3 Factions available: Ulimatum, The Librarian, and Neutral. Players fighting for the Ultimatum may do so in one of the four Divisions: Intelligience, Military, Judicial, and Observer. Players fighting for The Librarian are branded as rebels and traitors to the world. Players can only be Neutral if they choose to play as an Academy Student instead. Players will rally to conduct strategies or plot story lines with the leaders of their respective factions. [hider=CS] Appearance: (Keep in mind this is an Anime RP) Name: Title: (Knights of Ragnorak Only) Age: Faction: Personality: History: Tome: (Name, color, shape, ability. Unity is magic combined with technology. So be creative.)[/hider] If you would like a special position, PM me and I shall give you the layout of the character. [hider=Rules] 1. No Godmodding. 2. There will be no specific posting order, but please wait at least two turns before posting again to let others have fun as well. 3. Have fun. Otherwise I will watch you when you sleep. 0)_(0[/hider]