Illiendi slipped from his place in the back of the room and moved towards the hearth, there he threw a couple of logs on the fire and spread a handful of bark chips across the base. It would have been childs play to light the kindling the way he had warmed the bath but humans often took a dim view on things they could not explain and so he avoided it. Instead taking a match and a little paper and starting the fire that way, it wasn't too cold but it was necessary to take the chill off the room. Already a heat pan was under the sheets, warming them for his master. "I am glad you enjoyed it [b]my master[/b]. I am sure your staff shall not begrudge a little grime, though if it pleases you I shall go clean it before they have a chance to see the state it is in." Once the fire was crackling quietly he stood up and turned to face his master, "If you are not overly tired we have much to discuss, your father not returning was a rather useful little hiccup, although significantly delays our plans by at least an evening. We have an itenairary that needs writing, a plan for the day we set sail and how we spread word about this venture without making it look all too obvious. Your mother will not oppose your decision to leave anymore, she may in fact be the key to winning others around. Your younger brothers will be silenced of course, we can not have them mock you so openly in public, it will damage the image we are building you. Also there is the issue of where you would like me to reside while you are sleeping. I have no preference." The butler brushed at the sleeve of his suit jacket, straightening it and freeing it from a minuscule piece of dust before taking that relaxed yet still some how predatory stance while awaiting his masters replies. The younger one, Tawney? He would be easily dealt with, he'd stumble home drunk after wenching and the shame of what would happen -or nearly happen- would silence his mocking tongue for fear of being exposed. A human's pride was a wonderful tool, the other was the problem, seduction wouldn't work on him, which was fair enough as both were hardly interesting to him. However he needed careful silencing, knocking him to his arse would likely be enough but it would be Amano that needed to do that, not Illiendi and while he did not doubt the childs prowess with a sword it was the fists that would silence that one, convincing Amano of that might be tricky though. Given his predisposition to 'love' which no doubt extended to even the worst members of his family. The fathers absence, while delaying plans, was of some use, it gave him time to win over Chesia and formulate a better plan and strategy with Amano.