Seraphina watched the subtle change in the Sparrow as she walked closer to the Cuckoo, it was alarming the hold he seemed to have over this girl, a girl whom she suspected to be no more than a pawn in some unknown game. Yet before they had begun walking the warning she had given had been sincere and had filled Seraphina with an uneasy feeling. However she did not pause or falter in confidence step as they made their way across the hall. Seraphina stood straight backed and imperious as the Sparrow stopped before the minstrel and bowed most provocatively to him. Watching the girls face intently Seraphina was again struck by the overwhelming change he seemed to invoke in this girl; she listened as she was introduced. “Your Majesty, may I present to you The Lord of Mischief, The Cuckoo Incarnate… The Devil Himself. My most dark and dear lord? Her Majesty, the Queen of the Night and of Beauty… the Swan Queen.” As he moved forward after the introduction Seraphina watched as The Devil reached out a hand to caress the Sparrow, his fingers trailing lightly across her face. It was a throwaway gesture on his part, a mockery of kindness but she saw the effect it had on the girl and it worried her, her anxiety increased as he ordered the Sparrow out of their presence. “Go, now. Leave her black-feathered Majesty and I to talk,” the Cuckoo commanded softly, “Do as I brought you here to do, and you shall earn your rewards, my Sparrow.” No show of the worry played on her features which were firmly set into a mask of cool indifference mingled with a hint of polite interest as now all of her attention was fixed firmly on him. The minstrel looked back at her with the same mischievous expression as before and Seraphina mused that she had never known anyone for such a short length of time that could cause such a stir. The fact that he had not made even a vague gesture of respect towards her bothered her and with a slightly offended air she made no gesture to him, although it flew in the face of all her etiquette lessons, she would not bow to the devil. “Your most gracious Majesty,” he drawled dryly, “You dance quite marvelously. A little stiff perhaps for my tastes, but you know what they say: courtly dancing is but a pale imitation of its countryside origins . Will you walk with me upon the balcony, your Majesty? The moon light is lovely tonight, and would be lovelier still should you add your beauty to it.” Seraphina could not help raising her eyebrow at this one, how he mocked her own thoughts with his words but to cover the small surprise Seraphina allowed herself a sweet, trilling laugh as her violet eyes met his. Her face quickly fell into her winning smile as she once again became easy and sociable, her aura becoming charming and captivating with a small hint of mockery as she answered what she supposed was more a statement. “Tis indeed a strange way of looking upon it, I had always thought it the other way around and all my learning has indicated as such. But alas I am merely a Swan, who am I to argue with the Devil.” She paused airily for a second to consider the words that flowed easily from her. “If that is the case I suppose that a rose can only grow as beautiful from the mud, which helps if it is mixed with fertiliser.” It was now her turn to hold a slightly mischievous grin as she glanced at a him but took his proffered arm as they walked out on to the balcony. The night air was still relatively cool as it was still only early in the year and Seraphina had to suppress the small tremors that shook her frame while she acclimatised. The moon was high in the sky and it shone down with its silver brilliance, gilding everything in its shimmering light. Seraphina gazed at the moon, her eyes somewhat wistful. The moonlight turned her already silver hair into a brilliant crown, illuminating her like a star that twinkled in the velvet blackness. Even her dark feathers gleamed in the moons glow, the light catching their glossy sheen and glittered in the gems that adorned her. Leaning against the white stone balcony Seraphina took a deep breath, the scent on night jasmine clinging to the air, then turning back to her companion she smiled. “You do know how to cause a scene, I will give you that much, or is that just the part you are playing tonight.” She said softly, gesturing to his outfit. Her eyes slid from him for a moment back towards the high mullion doorway they had just passed through, her eyes lingered for a moment on the crowd where she supposed the Sparrow was holding the attention of the men. There was a genuine feeling of concern in her for that girl; it was not a safe position to be a pawn in a game of power. However she did not let this show on her face and her eyes swiftly returned to his face, waiting to see what he would say, so far this man had done nothing beside get under her skin but she was willing to observe now.