Thankfully the heat of the desert was countered by their speed, creating a pleasant breeze even in this arid place. For Caelan it was awfully difficult to enjoy any bit of it seeing as he was on the back of an imposing beetle. For his own sanity then he closed his eyes for a good portion of the trip, seeing as the creature was really just leading itself with the rest of the pack. It took a fair while to be out of the Gerudo Desert, probably an hour or two easily by the time they'd crossed the threshold. Wait waited for them was hardly an oasis though, as the high stone walls could attest. From a barren desert to an eclipsing canyon, they had quite a ways to go until they were going to be back in pleasant territory. At the very least though they could be rid of the beetles, a fact that Caelan quickly embraced, scampering off of his mount and stepping off to the side from it. When it turned its head in his direction he smiled uneasily, taking a tentative step forward and reaching out a hand slowly. "Nice beetle... Nice big... Scary beetle." he mumbled, trying to touch it and be done with it. When it gave a sudden jolt at his touch he yelped and pulled his hand back, giving all of his "nopes" as he stepped away. Just as well, he really didn't want to be around it any longer anyways. Caelan was more than ready to get a move on and continue their trip, eager to see what places and treasure might await them. There seemed to be a hitch in their group though as Demoko stopped them, apparently feeling something off about where they were. It would fall to Nayrin and Aadab then to scout on ahead, likely meaning the rest of them would wait here. Frowning a little the mage lifted his head up, gazing at the tops of the cliffs to either side of them. There could be concern about someone being above them he supposed, or possibly even further inside the canyon itself. Even if that was the case though wouldn't it make more sense to stick together as a whole and move on? He didn't wholly agree with sending two people off, but it was out of place of him to speak against it, as Demoko seemed to be the pseudo-leader of this group of theirs. Looking over at Link curiously he decided to check up on his new teammate, seeing as he was potentially the only healer here. "How are you holding up...?" he questioned, trying to come across casual, though he felt awkward. "Any better?"