[quote=SyrianHamster] She did? Who was it? *looks* Heh, I must have missed that. I was hella busy getting this thing pieced together. Well that's no problem, I'm off to bed now anyway. Like I said, the first season wont move forwards until all the ICs are in place. If I hear something from her by tomorrow afternoon (GMT 0 16:30ish) then we'll wait for her to get things sorted. I just assumed you were all itching to get the ball moving, but I have no problem with waiting for more players. [/quote] Hs ladyfriend I do believe. I don't think she made much of a racket in the intcheck so it may have been easy to miss the post. Anyway, i'm looking to write up a post tonight and tomorrow. I just want to do a few last checks to make sure i'm doing it all right in terms of mechanics. 1: I just make an army card within my troop capacity to represent an army that I will be using, correct? 2: How do we represent tech tree research? 3: Should I be worrying about population growth in the first turn?