[quote=Z2010Deadmeat]Kaden nodded. "Fair logic...lets just hope if someone is taking up residence in the ruins." He said as the pair began their walk through the snow.[/quote] "Oh no, I highly doubt that will be true. That would rely on us having any sort of luck." She laughed, the sound seeming small compared to the vast barren land surrounding them. It wasn't hard to find their way, the palace - if one could still call it that - jutted out against the skyline, and thankfully it didn't take long to reach. It was open and empty, the sentinels posts long abandoned. "I think we might need a little magic." She murmured, turning her gaze to the throne. It seemed giant, but that was only fitting considering who was meant to be occupy it. Taking a couple of steps back, she ran towards it and jumped, pulling herself up and onto the stone. Standing up she looked up, straight to the sky. "You might want to look away." She warned, before sending up magic which flashed and crackled brightly in the sky as she too shielded her eyes. It only lasted a couple of seconds and after that the world fell silent again. She stood still for a moment before looking down to Kaden. "And now.. we wait."