"Good find you guys. We have enough plenty to add on to what we have." Seeing Luro with the barrel of rum made her laugh lightly. "Don't drink it all in a night Luro. . . And Ray." Luro and Kai seemed to come out with the most treasure. Ray on the other hand was helping put all the treasure into the appropriate place. The new knives were given to Nolan, and the maps and papers were separated from the actual treasure. Well he was organizing until Kai paused dropping everything and leaving. It looked like he was in shock, but the musician had no idea why. He said nothing of it, looking to the captain to see if she knew. Runali watched Kai go, and then shook her head. "Leave him. He'll come back when he's ready." She had a feeling she knew where the sudden shock came from, but decided to let him be. Ray nodded and found an eyepatch in the treasure Kai was carrying. "Aye, Cap'n Kai found you a new patch." The captain examined it and smiled a little. "Nice." The captain looked between the two that weren't crew mates. Danny told her story first, getting a nod from her. "Well. I appreciate the help. And the loot is yours to keep since you earned it." She wasn't a part of the crew, so what she earned was what she could keep. The captain leaned against the wheel as Danny walked over. With the map in hand, she tilted her head towards the girl's own discovery and then examined the two maps. "Well how about that... Thanks, again." She turned the wheel so the ship would be on the appropriate track to Waterdeep. In the spur of the moment, Runali looked at Danny. "You seem to know a lot about maps and I don't have a navigator. You have plenty of time on your hands as it seems.... You can be my navigator of the StarDusk pirates." It wasn't a question, or a request, more rather it was... a statement. To make it even more official, Runali handed Danny both maps. "We have a room with a few books and such there. You can claim that as your own. And since you're apart of our crew, the treasure you got, just add it to the rest in the treasure room." Runali gave a small smile and tipped her hat. "Welcome to the StarDusk pirates Danny." Around the same time, the second of the stowaways spoke up. It was obvious that he was from the ship, but she stayed silent, letting him speak. While he did, she hopped on a barrel and stared him eye to eye. Well, one eye to two. Her arms were crossed and she gave him a blank look. "Uh huh..." She then raised her hand calling for silence almost as if it was judgement day. "So, just because you helped out and have nowhere else to go makes you think you can be apart of the StarDusk Pirates?" There was criticism in her tone, but still she gave no expression. After a dramatic pause, Runali stood straight and jumped off the barrel she was using as a stool. "Alright. Fine. You can join." Tilting her hat up so she could see him, Runali had her usual relaxed expression back in place. "I don't know your skill, but by how banged up Kai looks I'll guess Pars was a pretty good fighter." She crossed her arms again and then nodded. "So I'll assume you have some talent there. But no matter, you'll have a title here eventually. In the mean time, welcome to the StarDusk pirates. I'm your captain. Captain Runali. Make yourself...at home I guess." "How's everyone holding up?" The captain decided to help with damage control and decided to grab the extra first aid kit and help bandage up the crew. As Nolan offered to cook, Runali waved the idea away and poked at Nolan's side. "Don't strain yourself Nolan. You were in the fight too you know." Her first patient so happened to be the musician as he plopped himself down on with his instrument. Before he could play the captain was bandaging his arm up. "While I do appreciate the help Cap'n, this is completely unnecessary." But in the midst of protest he was still aided and right after he began entertaining them in song. Runa sat on a barrel, one that she was fairly sure was empty- at least she thought so, and looked at the two new ones. "We're a small crew, but we manage. I'm Runali, the wonderful musician is Ray- also our top gunner, Luro, the really tall one is the carpenter- and my occasional perch to see over people. The best chef in the seven seas over there is Nolan. You be nice to him, he's friendly. And Kai, who just left is my bodyguard. You shouldn't make him upset. That wouldn't be a very.... good idea." The captain decided that while they got acquainted, she would rest on ledge that liked down on the main deck and looked up at the sky as it grew dark. "Two battles and two crew members. Nice." [Center][Img]https://yy1.staticflickr.com/4125/5063726434_14edd71cef_z.jpg[/img][/center] To Night: [Center][Img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wktE7ePIePA/TjXIu2MilbI/AAAAAAAADyU/Z4tncsHuosY/s640/tumblr_lnmegroBuB1qd59wbo1_1280.jpg[/img][/center]