[center][img=http://amnesty.org.py/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/reimounido.png] [/center] To those claiming the violation of the Monroe Doctrine; we freely admit that we are breaking the foreign -policy- of the United States. Please note the word used. This is a policy that Great Britain has abided by for the most part out of respect for the government of the United States. It is not, however, a binding treaty of any sorts. Nor does the United States actually have the power to enforce this doctrine. Furthermore, the flames have already begun. The aggressive strategies by the Union with their operations against the Confederate ports is without a doubt an act of war against the Confederacy. To claim that it is merely a rebellion is the height of hypocrisy when they themselves performed a similar 'revolution' not one century ago. Even more so in that the Confederacy has been recognized by nearly every other Nation of importance. Our ships are there to put out the flames, not start them. If we truly wished for war with the United States, you can rest assured that we would have already declared as such and begun sending numerous troops to the Union. Instead, we are merely acting in the defense of a Sovereign Nation in hopes that the Union will stand down. Mr. Steven's rhetoric is that of a war-monger. It is because we are so familar with such leaders during our past that we can claim such. However this is a new era in which the United Kingdom hopes that justice will prevail. We ask that the people of the Union see reason and demand that their Representatives cease this foolish crusade against their own brethren. Slavery will one day be abolished, but it is my hope that it will be abolished peacefully in the Americas. To the people of the Union, see what you have to lose by the decisions made by your government. Your government is leaning towards war against two of the most powerful Nations in the world out of a sense of irrational fervor for a cause that could be achieved peaceably. To the Sovereign State of Prussia, any acts of aggression against the French Empire will be met with equal aggression from the United Kingdom. Your support for the cause of freedom is admirable, but your aggressive tactics in threatening to damage the nations pursuing peace is apprehensible. It is the desire of France and the United Kingdom that our support of the Confederacy will be a deterrent against bloodshed. We ask that you join us in seeking a peaceful solution to this conflict. [center][img=http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/nwitimes.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/c/a8/ca88de62-81c8-57ca-8ee4-ccef422a5d3d/507eefb33b6e9.preview-620.jpg] [/center]