"I know you don't want to, but please get something in your stomach. I'd feel a lot better if it was even just broth soup!" Rose said with a small worried smile on her lips knowing that while she was there, she would make sure he'd get better and help him from his depressive mood. "I would never give up on you. I probably would have felt myself die if I didn't have something to distract myself from my own pain of losing you again. I love you. I have since you told me about your past while having big ears and a penchant for wearing leather." She informs him knowing he loved her too, and knew she would have to wait for the words to come from him. They had a lot more time now that she wasn't aging normally, and she'd probably have to ask the Old Girl why when she got home. That had been her home. With him, traveling across time and space seeing new things and aliens, helping, and generally running for her life as well as getting thrown in a prison or two. Inside the TARDIS where she belonged. She got the cool towel from Owen. "His people are deathly allergic to aspirin, So don't give him that." She warns the man glaring at Owen saying that if something bad happened to her Doctor, she'd hold him responsible. Twice. She then proceeded to wipe down the Doctor's flushed face, knowing that if he was showing that much color, he wasn't feeling well. She wasn't sure what to do, but thought this would help, or at least prayed to whatever god, would-be-god, demi-god was listening to her to get him well again. [Haha, Eleven reference xD]