[center]Konohagakure[/center] The streets of Konoha were quiet today. Quiet days weren't that unusual, however there was an unsettling tension in the air, tension that tensed every muscle in Natsumi's body as she walked. She passed a stand that sold meat buns. The buns here were known as some of the best in the village, yet there was no line today, Yet it was still attended by the owner. this was his job after all, and anyone that was not a ninja had to have a job. Natsumi bought a bun, even though she wasn't particularly fond of meat buns, it was simply too sad seeing the most popular stand in the village empty. Taking minuscule bites as her feet shuffled forward, she noticed two men in gray armor walking down the street. They were each carrying large spears, and had white crescent emblems on their shoulders. The moon emblem was the mark of the Empire, and these two men were patrolling soldiers. Natsumi dipped her head down, and nonchalantly nibbled on her meat bun, hoping to avoid eye contact with the two. As she neared them, The man on her left moved into her path, and bumped into her. Natsumi's bun splattered on the ground, prompting her to look at the man that had murdered her snack. "Why did you do that?" She asked, genuinely confused. "Because I could, what, are you going to do something about it, nine tails?" He said, glaring at her. The man beside him nudged him, and asked him what the hell he was doing. "It don't make no sense, why are we letting this girl just walk around? She's the daughter of the Hokage, and she has a tailed beast inside of her." The man pointed his spear at Natsumi, who was looking at him with a face of pity. "That beast would serve us a whole lot better in one of us..." Natsumi took a step back. "Please, put that down, there's no reason fo-" Natsumi gasped suddenly as a pair of hands gripped the man's head from behind, and snapped it backwards. The man was dead before his body hit the ground, Natsumi looked up to see who had killed him, it was Nikuya. The vessel of the two tails wiped her hands on her pants, as if she had just touched something unsavory. "As I recall..." She said, glaring at the other Empire soldier. "The Empress explicitly stated that this girl was to remain unharmed, was that truly so hard to understand?" The soldier rapidly shook his head no, and sprinted away as fast as he could. Nikuya let out a sigh, and looked to Natsumi. "I'll buy you something to eat, since this piece of shit just wasted your food." She said, kicking the dead man's head. [center]~~~[/center] "Will you eat already, you're starting to tick me off." Nikuya grumbled, tapping her foot on a bar stool. She had taken Natsumi to a place well known for it's sake and wine, strictly speaking not the kind of place for kids. Natsumi poked at the curry on her plate with her chop sticks, she wasn't in the mood to eat. "You didn't have to kill him..." She whispered. Nikuya scoffed, placing an elbow on the table in front of them. "No, I suppose I didn't, but a soldier that thinks it's okay to disobey the Empress's orders and kill an innocent should be punished," Natsumi stopped fiddling with her food, and looked at Nikuya. "So it's my fault he's dead... I'm sorry I forced you to do that." Natsumi said. Nikuya simply shook her head in annoyance. In truth she couldn't stand this girl, the only reason she looked after her was because the Empress ordered it. "You really are dim, aren't you? I bet the rebels in this village haven't even let you in on what they're up to." "W-what?" Natsumi was startled. She knew that the rebels in the village were planning something, but they never gave her any details. "Oh please, I'm not stupid, I know there are Rebels in every village. They're only ever in the villages, no bases, no large group meetings, they're very good at keeping things secret. But we will root them out, Natsumi. They are the villains here, I'll have you know. If they would simply live as the Empress intended, there would be no need for anyone else to die. But no... I suppose that's too much to ask of them. The only way for this to end is to wipe the rest of them out... Just like those Mercenaries." "Mercanaries?" "Yes, those that have no other desire than to fight for money, the last of them formed a brigade, and decided to stage an attack on the Empire's castle in The Land of Rivers. Shame they aren't as discreet as the Rebels, Powerful members of the Empire have already been dispatched to assist in take them down. It'll be a massacre. "That's horrible..." Natsumi said. Nikuya chuckled at her horrified expression. "Puts things in perspective, doesn't it? Now eat already." [center]The Land of Rivers[/center] Standing upon a tower in her castle, The Empress watched as an army marched towards her, at least five thousand ninja. Mercenaries from across the world had gathered here, with the intention of ending the rule of the woman that had made business nearly impossible for them. "Hm, I thought there'd be more..." The Empress mused, turning towards the group of loyal Empire troops that had come to stomp out the enemy. "They will need to cross through the forest before reaching this castle, intercept the army there, and end them. Go."