[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JgfLLQy.gif[/img][/center] I once remarked that a house divided upon itself cannot stand. Well if that is true, then a house being torn from the outside cannot stand as well. European powers have conspired to meddle in the affairs of the United States. They offer support to the rebels and offer us nothing but harsh promises, threats of war and bloody retribution. They mean to bully and bribe our Republic in the name of "sovereignty" of the South. But what of our sovereignty? Our right to keep our house together? The Southern rebels are attempting an illegal secession, and as such they will not be recognized by any member of this administration. We will not negotiate peace terms. I offer only one way for ar to end and that is unconditional surrender. The blockade on Southern ports of industry will commence while the great war machine churns to improve our Navy and restructure our Army. Three armies -- the Army of the Potomac, the Army of the Ohio, and the Army of the Tennessee -- are being formed to put down the rebellion in its infancy. I have given Secretary of State Seward direct orders that he will follow to the letter. Any attempts at foreign powers to intervene in the conflict will result in termination of any and all trade agreements with that country. While those thousands of miles away speak of the lofty ideal of the South's "sovereignty" there has been no mention of the sovereignty of the millions of men and women in chains, their personal rights to live a free and just life. If they prefer cotton over conscience then so be it. They will have plenty of the former while showing they have none of the latter. I believe we will succeed in our endeavor, and for the sake of our Grand Republic we must succeed. God be with us as we go forward in this monumental task. -- Abraham Lincoln United States President