The crew was gathered in the Galley, having just eaten dinner prepared by their excellent cook Nolan, Everyone sat around the table, their plates empty, Kai looked at them from the corner where he still sat, he hadn’t moved since they’d gotten away from the Slaver ship. He had only accepted food from Nolan, to which he nodded in appreciation of the food. He’d thought about it all through dinner and had decided that if there was ever a time to share his story of Waterdeep, it would be now. Kai stood up from the corner and walked over to the table, standing behind his captain. He looked around at each member of this crew that they’d gathered. “Lads, lasses, I’ve a story you might want to hear.” He said as he began to pace around the table in a circle, his eyes continuing to sweep the room. “It’s about Waterdeep.” He said as he continued to walk “Get comfortable, this may take a while, I need to start at the beginning.” Kai took a deep breath and began. “As some of you know, I was once feared as a grand military power, Captain of a massive ship known as The Leviathan. She was undoubtedly the mightiest ship in the entire world, she won me the title of Strongest Pirate the world over in a fortnight. Myself, my ship, my crew, all accomplished by age 21… Two years later, me and my crew of miscreants were planning on sacking a town. All of a sudden I was approached by one of my own men, who told me that several chests of treasure had gone missing sometime in the night… The Kraken Skull Pirates he told me, a fleet of pirates who’s number is unknown. Naturally we had to get our treasure back, and one crewmate just so happened to know that they were making port in a city called Waterdeep. We immediately set sail… What I didn’t count on wsa a massive hurricane to be directly in our path. Wind like you would not believe, tore right through several of our sails, the deck was pitching violently in the waves, which in themselves were so large they dwarfed even my Leviathan. Eventually when it stopped the ship had been ravaged, my men began dropping like flies, either from exhaustion, or starvation. The blasted hurricane wiped out our food supplies. When we finally arrived at the port city of Waterdeep, what we had expected was to anchor the ship and get everyone medical attention and food. What we instead sailed into was an ambush, no less than seven battleships flying the Kraken Skulls flag were waiting for us. With what men I had left, I ordered them to attack and they did so without hesitation in spite of being tired and hungry… With my ships mighty cannons we managed to sink two of the battleships almost immediately. However, moments later the other five fired upon us. Their cannonballs ripped through my storm ravaged ship. The enemy boarded us and started cutting down my already wounded men one after another. Eventually I was the only one left, and like what we just did, they left me to go down with the ship. What they didn’t expect was for me to leap from my precious Leviathan onto THEIR ship. Now the stories that sailors tell of that moment state that I was outnumbered 50 to 1, in truth it was more like 100 to 1. Enraged at the loss of my ship and my crew I’d worked so hard to attain I went on the offensive without any thought for the consequences. Cutting down opponent after opponent as I made my way down to the cargo hold of their ship. Once all the men were dead I lit their powder kegs on fire and escaped, the ship being engulfed in a fiery explosion on my heels. Under the cover of that much commotion, I fled. However, in the sea around Waterdeep, my old pirate flag still rests in the water along with my old ship.” Here Kai paused as he looked at Runali specifically “I NEED that flag back.” He said before continuing his pacing “There was some gold aboard my ship that may yet still be there which we can also use to restock and reinforce the Coral Pearl.” He added as he continued “It’s important to me, I must get that flag back.” He said, trying to emphasize that this was something he sorely needed to do. “Plus, it might do you some of you younger pirates some good to see the old ‘Terror of the Seas’” he added, again glancing at Runali. “You’re free to accept or decline, but whichever you pick I’m going to do this.” He said as he sat back down “So either help me or get out of my way.” He finished as he looked around at the crew for their responses.