[center][img]http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/archive/d/d5/20101101185913!800px-Flag_of_Granadine_Confederation.svg.png[/img] [b]Grenadine Confederation[/b] [i]Statement by President Ospina in a war-torn Plaza de Bolívar, filled to the brim with people[/i][/center] "Fellow patriots of this great nation: we apologize for our late arrival to liberate you from the hands of a man who has taken violence as an action against his brothers. It is my honor and duty to salute the fallen and buried soldiers that perished in the campaign to take the heartland of the Confederation, those brave Colombians who gave their lives to reunite families and who may never return to theirs. God knows that they will be recieved in Heaven and that this statement doesn't do these warriors justice of any kind. I request a minute of silence for the ones who no longer share the joy of seeing Colombia in the process of its reunification once again, of prayer for men who now rest happily for they knew they would leave this world for a just cause. [i]The plaza falls silent, as the Colombian flag is raised. The bells of the defaced Catedral Primada ring on as the statue of Bolívar watches the reunion, unmoving.[/i] In these days of grave danger that have fallen upon the world, of Empires that span across the globe facing each other and taking sides in a clash of ideologies that may yet end once agian, violence is the answer to mankind's issues. However wrong this answer is. But we, men of liberty, must stand together to reject these notions of conflict and stand together to live in harmony, an objective that is shared across the world but that signifies a different thing for each nation. One of the nations that has seen the truth in this notion is the Empire of Brazil, a fellow neighbor reigned by the great Dom Pedro II. In this conflict, they have given us a hand to stand up and reachieve the peace that our people have so rightly earned since independence from the European yoke. The actions taken by our neighbors to the South are a response, a call for quiet and peace that must be taken by all nations, be them from this side of the world or not. Brazil will stand tall in the gallery of history as a country that showed reason among chaos, a light of hope among a sea of darkness. However, let this not be a call for support of the conditions that have been taken by the rebels of the South, both theirs and ours. Our people still stand with the Union in whatever matters we can help them with, although they are not many at the moment. But we support them in their justified endeavor to free men from the reigns of the ambitions of others. It is just and deserving of praise, just as our battles have been. The effectiveness of our armies has only shown that God is on our side and that our cause is as well, full of justice and we are sure the Union's armies will be the same, given God's will in justice for all men to prevail. It is only fair that I pray for the men that may shed blood in the battles to come. Another matter to consider is the intervention and interest that several European powers have shown upon American matters, be them of support or rejection for the Union. It matters not. These efforts to control our destinies remind me of the battles waged when the Spaniards reconquered the Nueva Granada, then an independent territory. Bolívar descended from Venezuela and, with much glory, took back this land for the true Americans. European intervention, of any kind, is rejected by us as a matter of principle; although the actions undertaken by the Prussians and the Russians, and mostly the Tsar, are worthy of great applause. No matter where, the bell of freedom for man rings. Time is short, my brothers and sisters. We must depart to reunify the rest of the provinces. Cali and Popayan still hold the forces of Mosquera and people yearn to see a proud Grenadine Confederation that stands in peace. Our forces, as you have seen, will not back down at danger. We wish luck to you, we wish luck to Brasil -who we must thank once again for their support-, we wish luck to the Union and to every country who has so fiercly battled for peace, such as we have done. To the lands of Europe, who are full of men and women who hold the past and may hold the future, to the lands of the Far East, who now have a new ruler. May God bless the world, Us and the American continent. Thank you."