As usual, Izari was still unsure of the actions that the empire wanted him go with but his clan was in support of them and so he had to follow the orders. He was now in the castle base in the Land of Rivers and awaiting instructions. According to their spies, there was at least five thousand enemy shinobi closing in on their position and were ready to fight to kill. Izari had almost no doubts that by the time this battle was over, most if not all of the mercenaries would be dead and those that were unfortunate enough to be taken prisoner would be tortured badly. Even though a part of him didn't want to partake in the violence, his darker side urged him to fight with savage fury and slaughter as many of the Empire's enemies as possible. He let his right hand rub through his bright red hair, and Izari waited for the empress to give her orders. When she gave the orders, Izari wasn't surprised that she had ordered them to intercept the enemy in the forest, it would give a good advantage over their foes in an ambush. He was getting up his will to keep his darker side in check and not become a mad killing machine while on the field of battle. A couple of small tentacles began to grow on his arm and Izari knew that it meant he was excited. His lighter side didn't like his possible love of carnage, and he said his catchphrase to himself, "Izari is a nice guy" Some of the other shinobi close by him looked at him in a way that he could was the look that a person gave someone when they thought that they were crazy. He gave them a nice smile and he turned his attention back the Empress. Despite his reluctance, Izari was going to try and make the Empress glad that she had shinobi from the Turimora clan on her side. When she told them to go, Izari took out one his Kama sickles and twirled in his hand for a few seconds and then took off after Remi, following behind the host of the 8 tails. He wasn't sure how the autistic shinobi would act with a Bijuu inside her, but he was curious to see a Jinchuriki in action and Gyuuki was the Bijuu with tentacles. It of course was harder for him to follow since she was able to fly on her giant insect while he had to run. He have used his Ragulhu seal to go into his transformed state but he needed to save his chakra for the coming battle and that form used up a great amount of energy. Izari leaped off of the castle tower and went high into air, sailing over the walls. When he began to fall down towards the ground, he had several large tentacles grow out of his body and grab onto one of the castle's ledges to slow down his descent. His bloodline came in handy when he had to fall from extremely high places, and once his feet touched the ground, he ran straight for the forest as quick as he could. Izari was ready for action and his tentacles were ready to spill fresh blood.