[center][b]Konohagakure - Windspeaker Touho[/b][/center] The Windspeaker had spent most of the day floating silently above the metaphorical ivory spires of Konoha, looking down upon them with a mixture of familiarity and contempt - a mixture of hope for the future, and despair over what was already lost. It was not an activity that she engaged in every day, for there were people who needed her guidance, but today was a lull in the great musical that was life, a sudden drop of tempo before the great crescendo of war came crashing down upon the world in droves. She could feel the beat of the war drums in her veins even now, and the thought of it filled her only with regret at what she had to do. Still, she would do it, for there was no price that she would not pay to keep her people safe. There were others of a similar, pensive nature in the rebellion, though they were far and few between, and at times even the great shephards needed guidance to ensure that the flock stayed on the right path. Today, a day that could be anyone she knew's last day, seemed like the correct day to obtain whatever guidance she could. It would perhaps make the coming storm easier to bear. Fuujin would not help her, for it was his storm that she intended to weather - another test of her faith and of her resolve. It was not the first time that she had tested, and it certainly would not be the last. It was this line of thought that had brought her to Shizune's door, and no sooner than she had let her feet touch the ground had she knocked upon the wooden door. The familiar voice echoed out a response, and Touho opened the door. It was a practiced ritual of sorts, in truth, and each motion that she took tried in vain to hide that fact. She always refused a cushion, not wanting to impose, and simply floated above the ground at a comfortable height, so Shizune would not have to strain herself in order to speak freely. Perhaps it was an unnecessary kindness, but that mattered little, in the end. "Thank you, Shizune. I came so that I might hear your guidance before the coming storm." The Windspeaker started, keeping her voice low and airy, but still filled with the gusto and passion that she held close to her heart. It was an interesting way of speaking, at the very least.