"That might not be a bad idea. Besides it full of tannins. It helped him before, can't hurt to try again." Rose said looking at Jack leaving the bit about the Doctor's regeneration out. Even if Jack trusted his team, she wasn't about to go sprouting that Time Lords had a way of cheating death. She continued with her ministrations. "Would you mind terribly making another cuppa Ianto? I would appreciate it." Ianto smiles sweetly at Rose. He had the feeling that if he said 'no' she wouldn't mind and would ask someone else. But seeing as he was the only one to really know how the machines he used to make the beverages work without making the drink taste horrid, he was a good choice. "Certainly. How does he like it?" He asked curiously and Rose told him. "Thank you." She said with a grateful smile that took the years and weight that her eyes spoke of. He had a suspicion it was one of the few rare smiles that graced her lips as of late, which meant she hadn't had a reason to. "Don't say that. I'm here now." Rose softly apprehends him caressing his cheek. She just hoped that had she not been here he would have found someone. He wasn't supposed to be alone. The universe needed The Doctor alive more than he needed her by his side. He saved so many lives and if he wasn't around that many more would suffer and die. But as she had said, she was there and not the universe or his stupidity would drive her from his side, at least not for very long. She'd find him, every time.