[CENTER][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/Imperial_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Empire_of_Austria_%281815%29.svg/800px-Imperial_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Empire_of_Austria_%281815%29.svg.png[/img] [B]Kaiserthum Oesterreich[/B] The Austrian Empire[/CENTER] in light of the passing of the Xianfeng Empero the Austrian Empire and the House of Habsburg send their condolences to the Qing Empire. We wish his eldest son well in ruling China and bringing peace to an otherwise troubled land. May he reign be long and prosperous. But please, by all that is good and holy in this world, this Emperor implores the Chinese government to crush these heretical “Taiping” rebels and punish Hong Xiuquan for his crimes against God. Although they do not answer to the throne of Saint Peter, we thank our partners in the United Kingdom for helping to put down this heresy. We likewise thank our religious compatriots in the French Empire for their support against the Taiping rebels. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. To the Emperor of Brazil, once more, we thank you for your neutrality in the crisis shaking the North American continent and commend you for your openness and willingness to bring two hostile sides together. You are generous, and may you forever be remembered for the compassion that you show toward a struggling people. To the Emperor of Russia, we commend you for your efforts to eradicate serfdom and bringing freedom to the Russian people. We wish you well in such endeavors, and may your reign be as glorious as Peter and Catherine before you. - Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria