Shepard smiled when Qurian looked at her, but said nothing. She remembered her first "deep" deployment with Mako. She couldn´t believe that they are really going to be dropped with only thin can to protect them. She wanted to protest or to ask some questions at least, but her commanding officer just chuckled, pushed the button and sent them right to the ground. What was happening next was both, one of the most terrifying and in same time one of the most awesome thing she had ever experienced. She loved the heights. Something always attracted her to them and falling from height like that was just making her feel so alive. She took her place at cannon this time. She had bad feeling about this mission and after being surprised by Geths on the last one, she didn´t want to take any risks. Shepard buckled herself on the seat and asked others if they did same. Then ordered to go, when she heard affirmative response. Mako´s motor silently hummed and the tank slowly drove off the platform it was standing on. Shepard was suddenly pushed into her seatbelts and felt familiar pressure in her temples and ears. It wasn´t very comfortable, but Shepard still wanted to yell like a little children on a roller coaster They were in the air just a few moments and then the landing came. Braking jets slowly turned on and slowed the speed of descending. so it won´t kill them. Another few moments passed and Mako finally landed on the ground. "Well, that was fun. Now let´s find miss T´Soni."