[center][b]Hyakune su Jikankizami, Ra[/b][/center] The cool air settled atop the lofty tenements of the Empress, giving the vantage point a sense of forboding, and countless sets of eyes looked down at the almost trivial gathering of enemy ninja that were laid before them. It was a grim moment, if put into the correct perspective, but it was grim moments like these that truly showed the worth of an establishment or an institution; the results spoke for themselves of the establishment's tenacity and grip upon the land. The Empire had a large and strong enough grip that this grim moment in particular, which would normally have been of some serious importance, was laughable. Still, Ra knew all too well the effects of crushing a last stand upon the people. Too many ruling classes in history had forgotten a simple truth that Ra was all-too-keen to remind the Empress of: "Take away a few things, and rebellion will ensue. Take away all things, and the oppression will be accepted as fate." In truth, it was most likely not the exceptional ninja of the rebellion that would lead to the Empire's downfall, if it came to that - it would be the momentum of the people that flocked behind their banners. There were truly incredible individuals that could change the face of the earth - the Empress among them - but in truth their value was not as high as people presumed to believe it was. If no citizen of the Empire would dare revolt, if the oppression was so set into their minds that they could not bear to leave, then the rebellion would fail. They would be crushed beneath the weight of the Empire as the rest of the lands were, in time. All things would go according to plan, in time. "No survivors, your Grace? I doubt any of them know anything that we have not already discovered, but perhaps there are those among the enemy who might turn to our side, with a little persuasion. I doubt we truly have need of any of them, but bolstering our forces hardly seems like an idea to idly pass by. I am confident that with the correct... Persuasion, a few of them could even become evangelists. The morality of the people will no doubt have a profound effect in the coming days, your Grace, and it is something to consider." Ra spoke, her voice a spark of warmth among the cold spires upon which they stood. Simple tactics such as vocal manipulation would, of course, be ineffective with the Empress, but it was something that needed to be done regardless of its efficacy. There were others listening, after all, and if they could be convinced easily, the coming storm would be that much easier to weather. "I will have little impact on this battle, your Grace. What would you command of me?" She asked, turning to face the Empress and curtseying as a sign of respect. The intrigue of the court was something she had learned well over the years, and despite her current position, the basics were no less important.