Zeto was glad she could turn off her mouth piece. It stopped the other two from hearing the wide variety of curses she let out as they plummeted toward the ground. Turian, Krogan, Asari, Quarian, and even some Vorcha swears were mixed into there. Lets just say that her mother would have washed out her mouth five times over for using such language. The deceleration hit her like a fist to the stomach. Once they landed with a jarring stop, Zeto took a second to settle her stomach before turning on her mouthpiece again to speak. "Remind me to take something to settle my stomach next time you drag me onto this death trap for another... trip." Trying to distract herself, she began checking the systems. "No damage in the landing, shields managing to stand up to the heat. They are fully charged. It looks like we are alright to go." The position she was in now remind Zeto of her pilgrimage days... [Initiate Flashback] [i]"Everything is fine with the tank except for the fact that you messed up the suspension you insufferable bosh'tet." She slid out from under the heavy gun mounted vehicle, standing up with an angry arms crossed stance. "If we would have kept going like you wanted instead of checking this we would have went over sideways and probably down the cliff." A krogan with a scarred up face marched up to her, looking mean himself. "Are you trying to call me stupid?" Zeto went up toward him, actually making him back up. "Yes I am you insufferable bosh'tet! I don't care how big a hero you are, I am not letting you kill me for your own personal glory!" She rose a finger, pointing it in his face. "Now you are gonna help me fix this by doing exactly as I say or you can drive off the cliff with your broken suspension yourself!" She waited for no answer as she slid right back under the vehicle, a hand out. "Now hand me the spare spring." Grumbling, the krogan handed the asked for part to Zeto...[/i] [End of Flashback] She had been in tougher situations than this. Survived worse. The day she died to Geth would be the day a vorcha came out of her back hole. As Shepard and Garrus did their jobs, she did her own.