Finally finished! Phewww, that took sometime. If I need to edit anything, just tell me and I'll do it ASAP :D [hider=Rai Lancaster] [b]Name:[/b] Rai Lancaster [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG][/IMG] Standing at 5'4, Rai wishes she were taller. Height would definitely make her more intimidating when having angry outbursts or getting into silly fights. The girl is a little on the short side, but she makes up for it in personality. Her brown hair is usually pulled back into a messy ponytail, but aside from that, she doesn't do much with it. Rai opts to wear comfy clothes and is a girl of hoodies, jackets and long-sleeved shirts. Her mom wishes she could dress a little bit more like a lady, but Rai won't have any of that, she'd take pants over skirts and shoes over heels any day. You will usually see Rai with a silly smile and a band-aid or two. Her mark of Arceus is located on her stomach. [b]Class:[/b] Adventurer [b]Sub -Classes:[/b] + Tracker + Ranger + Type Master - Fire + Survivalist [b]Items and Accessories:[/b] + A black backpack + A canteen of water + A flashlight + Bubble Gum and other kinds of candies [b]Personality:[/b] Adventurous and curious, Rai bores easily and as a result is constantly on the move. She has a need for excitement and in some ways can be sort of a thrill seeker. Daring, and not one to back down from a fight, the girl usually gets herself into silly spats and arguments. Rai can be a bit too impulsive for her own good and isn't the most patient person out there, so as a result she sometimes loses her temper and says or does things she doesn't mean. Sometimes, these poor choices eventually come back to kick her in the butt. In some ways, Rai is sort of like a blaze. When she sets her mind on things, she burns brighter, consuming all her doubts and just giving it her all. The girl always tries to put on tough or cheery facades for the sake of others and will always try to hide all her fears and insecurities behind angry outbursts or laughs and grins. All in all, she's outgoing, fiery, and kind of brash, but her heart is usually in the right place. [b]Likes:[/b] Adventures, joking around, competitive battling [b]Dislikes:[/b] Staying put, things that require excess amount of detail, darkness (ever since she got trapped in a cave, she's had a phobia of the dark which is why she always brings a flashlight around.) [b]Special Abilities / Traits/ Attributes:[/b] Since her dad was a wildlife photographer, Rai's been outdoors ever since she was young. The girl is pretty good at climbing trees and isn't exactly a bad swimmer. She knows how to start a fire and knows that bears tend to avoid noise. Basically, she's no stranger to the outdoors and knows her way around poisonous plants. Rai is pretty speedy and has good stamina as well, so running around isn't much of a problem. Rai could probably hold her own in a fight, she's no black belt, but she did have some Taekwondo training. [b]History:[/b] The daughter of a Pokemon wildlife photographer and a teacher, Rai was born in Cherrygrove city but spent most of her childhood travelling around Johto and Kanto with her father. Whenever left at home with her mom she'd wander off, and make a fuss about staying still so her dad decided to bring her along on his travels. Her younger brother (a total mommy's boy) remained in Cherrygrove. Together she and her dad journey throughout the region and on these travels Rai learned to love pokemon and treat them as partners. She had always been interested in them, but it was through traveling with them that she gained a passion for pokemon. Whenever she'd see one in need of help, you could bet she'd be there in a flash. Once when she was ten, her dad and her had set up camp near a forest filled with Pokemon. He was planning to take some photographs, and young Rai who was a tad too curious for her own good, wondered off. As she wandered deeper off into the woods she heard angry yells and the sound of a struggle. Eventually a Cyndaquil ran through the bushes frantically and not long after two boys a tad older than her appeared with smug expressions and sticks in their hands. The Cyndaquil scampered behind her and Rai, with all the force of an angry ten-year-old, socked the twelve-year-old in the jaw and practically yelled her head off. Not wanting to get into trouble, the boys scampered off and Rai took the Cyndaquil back to her dad. They treated his wounds and kept him with them during their three day stay in the forest. When they were just about to leave, they prepared to say good bye but the Cyndaquil wouldn't stop following Rai and eventually they decided to bring him along. Rai got into a bit of competitive battling and for some reason only kept improving. She thought about taking the gym challenge someday, but when she turned twelve, the mark of Arceus appeared on her stomach. When Rai told her dad, he went pale and soon an elder came to visit. Not long after, she was sent to Faraway island to begin training. [b]Quote:[/b] "Pfft, give up? HELL NO!" [b]Theme song:[/b] Fighting by Yellowcard [u][b]Pokémon Team[/b][/u] [b]Team theme:[/b] Offense [b]Team members:[/b] Quilava - Flame Jolteon - Lavi Arcanine - Mia Pidgeotto - Clock Haunter - Duke [img][/img] Name: Flame Species: Quilava Type: Fire Gender: Male Ability: Flash Fire Nature: Brave [b]History:[/b] Rai met him in a forest in Johto when he was just a Cyndaquil. A couple of bullies were picking on him, but she chased them away and helped patch him up. After that, Flame began following her everywhere and became her partner in mischief. The Quilava is very protective of Rai and will go to great lengths to make sure she doesn't get herself into trouble. He can bit a bit of a grump when it comes to others but after he warms up to people Flame will always have their backs. [b]Moveset:[/b] Smokescreen Flamewheel Lava Plume Rollout Agility Flamethrower Flame Charge [img][/img] Name: Lavi Species: Jolteon Type: Electric Gender: Male Ability: Volt Absorb Nature: Rash [b]History:[/b] One of the later additions to her team. Rai met Lavi in a grassland not too far from a cave. He was a feisty Jolteon rearing for a battle and Rai being the competitive person she was asked Flame if he was up for it. The Quilava agreed and managed to best the Jolteon in battle. This made the Jolteon respect the trainer and her partner and whenever Rai or Flame would return, he'd pop up, excited for a fight. Eventually, he followed them back to the dorm and Rai decided to capture him. Lavi likes getting physical and can be rough and impulsive, but he's extremely loyal and never knows when to quit. He sees Flame as some sort of rival, much to the Quilava's dismay and often tries to get into play fights with the fire type. [b]Moveset:[/b] Agility Double Team Thunderbolt Volt Tackle Shadow Ball Double Kick Thunder [img][/img] Name: Mia Species: Arcanine Type: Fire Gender: Female Ability: Intimidate Nature: Jolly [b]History:[/b] Rai's second pokemon. She met Mia during one of her trips to Kanto. Her dad and her had just set up camp and as soon as they began to cook their dinner, a tiny Growlithe crept out of the grass and began sneaking up on them. Rai decided to feed the pup and suddenly managed to befriend Mia. She joined Rai and Flame on their travels but only evolved a few months ago when one of the mentors gave Rai a firestone. Mia is the biggest member of Rai's team and while she might look a tad intimidating she's as playful as a pup and is very affectionate. [b]Moveset:[/b] Agility Flare Blitz Flamethrower Crunch Take down Fire spin Rock smash [img][/img] Name: Clock Species: Pigeotto Type: Flying/Normal Gender: Female Ability: Keen Eye Nature: Calm [b]History:[/b] The first pokemon Rai befriended on Faraway island. She met the small pidgey in one of the forests and would often try to offer it food. It was cautious at first but Rai persisted and eventually managed to befriend it. Clock is calm and calculating, often noticing minute details before anyone else on Rai's team does. [b]Moveset:[/b] Hurricane Sand Attack Agility Steel Wing Air Slice Quick Attack Roost [img][/img] Name: Duke Species: Haunter Type: Ghost Gender: Male Ability: Levitate Nature: Naughty [b]History:[/b] The newest addition to Rai's team. The girl met him in Lavender town when she traveled back to Kanto to visit her dad. He was taking pictures of Pokemon tower so they spend a week in the spooky town. Duke who was a mischievous thing decided to play pranks on them. He tried to scare them away but it didn't work, in fact, Rai applauded him for his shenanigans and ever since then he decided to join her. He's a trickster who loves to scare people and is usually looking for attention. [b]Moveset:[/b] Hypnosis Lick Confuse Ray Shadow Ball Shadow Claw Scary Face [/hider]