Izari wasn't expecting to be offered assistance, in his experience with some of the shinobi of the Empire, they preferred to go with the strongest take the lead and leave the weakest behind motto. But Izari didn't mind the assistance and he got on Remi's giant hornet. "Thanks for the lift." "I recognize you, you're the host of the 8 tails, is this your first big battle as a Jinchuriki?" Izari asked, not minding to start a conversation with an ally before going into battle with the enemy. It was curious that the empire didn't choose a shinobi from his clan to be the host of the 8 tails since Gyuuki's appearance seemed fitting for the Turimora and their Tentacles of Horror bloodline technique. Izari only guessed that the Empress was not willing to give such power to a powerful clan like the Turimora, there blood sacrifices were not the most popular among some of the Empire's citizens. Many generations ago they use to use human sacrifice to give worship to Ragulhu but they now use the blood of animals to appease the god. Today however, Izari would send a prayer to his god when he spilled the blood of his foes and according to ancient Mecronomicon scroll, Ragulhu liked to witness carnage and hear the screams of those who die from the Tentacles of Horror.