Posted! Sorry it's a bit short xD I'm not really familiar with the process of either online bookstores, but I'm sure with a little research we can find out! I know on Nook there doesn't seem to be an approval process. (I've seen/read some pretty poorly written books, so I think anyone can just submit one). If we were to team up and do this, we could sell the book for $2.00, people will pay the low price, and if two hundred people bought it, that's $200 for each of us! At the same time, we'd still be roleplaying and practicing our writing so we could charge more for our books later on. We would have to see how payment is distributed between two authors, but I'm honest, so I would definitely split it down the middle. I wouldn't just run off and disappear. I could use the money for schoolbooks and other miscellany I need as a student haha.