[center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Coat_of_arms_of_the_Empire_of_Brazil.svg/640px-Coat_of_arms_of_the_Empire_of_Brazil.svg.png[/img] ImpĂ©rio do Brasil (Empire of Brazil) [i]IndependĂȘncia ou Morte![/i][/center] We like to thank everyone for their show of kindness towards Brazil before war comes to the New World once again. But [b]we request that our representatives come to the conference in Istanbul as well[/b], after all we were the first ones to ask for peace. We either asked that peace talks can be held in our capital, that is why that Brazil should be at the conference for peace. We like to thank the Ottoman Empire for offering peace in dark times, I hope that history remembers our countries as we tried to show reason to a pointless civil war. [b]We are still offering peace talks within Rio de Janero for the countries, that are involved in the war[/b]. We like to also clear something up, by the Kingdom of Venice we meant the province within the Austrian Empire. Sorry for any misunderstanding once more. [i]~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil[/i].