[center] [img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/81/Coat_of_Arms_Second_French_Empire_(1852%E2%80%931870)-2.svg] Empire Français (French Empire) [i]Liberté, egalité, fraternité[/i][/center] France will happily join the conference in Constantinople to discuss the major issues in Europe and strategies to deal with them. Conflicts can be avoided if we all stop pointing swords at each other and begin to talk about this. To the conflict in the West. Countries have split in the past and have successfully flourished. Despite attempting to negotiate the US and its allies rally for war. This is an unjust reason for blood shed and mobility of troops is not the answer. My ally, the UK, has retaliated to the USA's, blocking off trade and though I may not believe completely with these methods I understand the reasoning behind them. Slavery is an issue but we should not overpower another country just to stop this, we would be no better than the slavers who overpower those they can control. As the mobility of troops is an issue, France will retaliate with there own departure of troops. This is a last resort though and I hope that my men will be able to stay at home and that peace talks and negotiations between the Union and Confederates can happen. For this reason I urge The Union and all other conflicting countries to join the conference in Rio de Janero as France will be doing so Blood should not spill into the ocean that is between our lands. - Emperor Napoleon III, France