[Yuno Gasai (Group A) - Classroom 5-A, First Floor Main Building] The sound of constant pounding of the rain outside woke Yuno up, not to mention that the way she was sleeping on the cold and rough floorboards was really uncomfortable. Wait...the last thing she remembered, she was certainly not sleeping on the floor, but well in a bed right next to her Yukki. That wasn't right at all, because then she would have to be sleeping by his side when she woke up, but he wasn't here. Yukki wasn't here. The kind of realization wasn't something she wanted to know right now, because something bad could had happened to her Yukki. Sitting up on the wooden floor, she sticks her hand into her pockets for her Future Diary, but nothing could be found there. Now that was bad. Not only was her Future Diary a way to keep herself in the Survival Game, but that meant she wouldn't be able to forewarn Yukki of anything in case he would be in trouble. The only thing she would find with her inside her pockets was a single piece of blank white paper. Even if it seemed really useless, Yuno decided to hold onto it, something about the paper wasn't normal at all. By now, she started to take notice of the strange surroundings around her. She was in a worn down room of a classroom, and it appeared like it hasn't been used in years by how rundown the place appeared to be. The thing that freaked her out was that when she looked at the floor, parts of the wooden floorboards were missing, and it would only lead into a black abyss. The same could be said as she took a look outside the window to see the same black abyss but some rain could be seen. This was starting to get weirder, and this wasn't turning up to be a good thing either. Before taking anymore observations of the classroom she was in, she heard a scream out in the hallway, a scream that she would be able to recognize. "Yukki...Yukki! I'm coming!" Yuno perked up at the sound of his voice, and immediately ran out of the classroom to chase after where she could hear his voice. --- [Yukiteru Amano (Group A) - West Hall, First Floor Main Building] None of this made any sense. He should be with Yuno back at his house, not in this abandoned school. Now that he thought about it, he's never heard or seen of this kind of abandoned school in Sakurami City...ever. Just where was this? He didn't bother to look out the windows as they were boarded up tightly, and he could even move the wooden boards to at least see a glimpse of outside. Something about this was bad, and he had the instinct to take out his Future Diary and get some information where this was. Except he couldn't find his phone, he took a gulp of fear that he lost his Future Diary. Though, the only thing he managed to find while frantically searching for the Future Diary was just a single piece of blank white paper. He was about to discard the paper, thinking that it was just scrap leftover in his pockets, but a very strong and rotting smell was nearby, almost making him gag. "..w-what's that smell?...it's so strong..." he said to himself, having a bad feeling about this. Taking a huge deep breath, he stepped over to the smell, passing by one of the classrooms and towards where there was another staircase which was closed off by more wooden boards. Though, he turned his head to his left...and then immediately screamed in absolute horror and fear. Due to the shock of this, he lost his footing and fell backwards as his eyes were paralyzed by the gruesome sight he saw. "...w-what the hell...is this?..." Yukiteru stuttered in fear, staring right at the decaying corpse that had gotten him to scream in fear. The corpse was still decaying, the flesh was rotting which explained for the rancid smell. You couldn't even tell who this was anymore by how the hair was completely gone, the face's flesh was almost gone and revealing the skull of the corpse, the clothing had already rotted away as only pieces of fabric were scattered on the corpse, and due to the slow progression of decay, maggots could be seen all over the corpse, feeding on the remains of what was once a person. Despite the whole former shell of a person he saw, Yukiteru could tell it was once a female person he was seeing as there was small hair ties left next to the corpse. --- [Anyone in Group B - East Hall (near the girl's bathroom), Third Floor Main Building] For anyone that was near the girl's bathroom, there would be able to hear...crying by the sounds of it. The sound of it was quite faint, almost like a whisper, and the constant sound of it would certainly give anyone chills down the spine. If they dared to, they would enter the bathroom to find one of the stalls closed shut, but it would be able to knock the stall door down by how unstable the wood appeared to be.