[Kurama- Group A, Classroom 2-A- Second Floor Main Building] Kurama was eventually and unpleasantly awoken by the sound of rain beating against the room he was in which he was able to quickly realize was not his own. What is this?" he said in confusion noting that he was in fact in some kind of classroom that was a little worse for ware. He got up off of the cold and uncomfortable floor and walked over to one of the windows looking out to see what appeared to be a black void.which bothered him a little. "What exactly is this place?" Kurama muttered to himself taking his hand and running it through his hair only to realize none of his seeds he keeps in his hair were there. Caught off guard by this he reached into his pockets to find a nothing but a scrap of paper. "Why do I have this?" Kurama asked himself before putting it back into his pocket thinking it might be a clue towards something. He tured noticing the holes in the ground and how similar the blackness they held was compared to when he looked outside. He sighed and decided to walked towards what appeared to be an exit to the room to see if he could leave the class room not able to hear Yukki scream just yet. [Grant Harrison- Group B, East hall close to the infirmary- Second Floor Main Building] There against the wall was Grant sleeping before his body tilted to the left and he was jerked awake his eyes widening in realization that he wasn't home but in some hallway. "Ok this is new" he said in slightly panicked voice looking around in complete confusion. He stood before covering his nose due to very putrid smell. Whatever smell it was he decided real quick to go in the opposite direction wondering what exactly was going on. He walked in the hallway decided to check his pocket to see if he had his phone with him but sadly he did not. Instead in it's place a scrap of paper. "When did I get this?" Grant asked himself deciding to hold on to it for now in case he ever found a pen figuring he could leave a note behind if something were to happen to him. Unknowingly he was walking in the direction of the third floor stairs however he was unable to hear te faint crying and was simply checking out his surroundings. (Whelp here's my first post let me know if I need to edit any thing in these and I will be more than happy to :D. (Paranoia is already staring to get the better of me lol.)).