[indent][b]Elizabeth Berezi Sendoa[/b][/indent] When the fourth and final person was chosen for their quest she couldn't help but look at the ground disappointedly. Elizabeth had hoped that a child of Ares would be chosen for the quest, so there would be at least one person she actually knew going with them. She looked at each of them, studying what she could just from looks. The child of Hephaestus, a tall, somewhat built guy with light brown hair; he looked happy, but underneath all of that he looked stressed. She moved her gaze from him to the blonde daughter of Athena, Demelza she said her name was, Elizabeth didn't know anything about her. Demelza was the daughter of a Goddess that hated her father, which couldn't be good. She seemed cheery though, perhaps the other three had enough happiness about them to make for Elizabeth's lack thereof. The last demigod chosen, the son of Hades, seemed perfectly at peace with his father's choosing him to go on the quest. Elizabeth couldn't help but frown in his direction, how could he be so comfortable with all of this? Elizabeth was fine with going on the quest, that wasn't what was bothering her, it was [i]why[/i] her father had chosen her. Was it because she was his only child at camp, or would her powers be necessary on their trip? Chiron pulled her out of her reverie. "[b]Yes,[/b]" He started after he heard Demelza introducing herself. "[b]Introduce yourselves, get to know each other a little bit. I know you can't become best friends overnight, but some familiarity with each other couldn't hurt. I need to talk to Dionysus about the prophecy now, so stay here while I'm gone. I'll need to talk to you four later so don't go wandering off.[/b]" He looked at Elizabeth, making his point very clear. "[b]Don't leave the campfire Elizabeth.[/b]" She rolled her eyes at the centaur and nodded. He left, heading toward the big house. As soon as Chiron was gone Elizabeth had decided that she needed to talk to her Dad. "[b]Well, as much as I want to get to know you three I have more important business to attend to. Don't wait up.[/b]" Her words were meant to scare the others off from following her. Elizabeth pushed her way through the crowd, no one really paying attention to her, even after everything had happened. The beach wasn't too far away from the campfire, so it only took her a few minutes to get there. Once there, she kicked off her black converse, stripping herself of her shorts and shirt revealing the black, short-sleeved wetsuit underneath. She always wore it, never knowing when she would need to go for a swim. It was true that she could just swim in her clothes and dry them off like she had at the campfire, but normal clothes restricted her swimming. Once barefoot and in her wetsuit Elizabeth pulled her hair into a tight ponytail, not wanting it to bother her while she went underwater. Elizabeth dove into the salt water, she swam deeper and deeper until she found a nice patch of sand to sit on underwater. Her powers allowed her a few hours of breathing underwater and the ability to survive the intense pressure that came with deepsea diving. She started to contact her father as she always did, with a thought. Poseidon was always aware of Elizabeth when she was in the water, so when she sent him the thought he would reply almost immediately. [i]Dad?[/i] She started, waiting for a reply. A reply came, at last, but very slowly and hard to make out. [i]Elizabeth.....can't.....powerless.....go.....quest....[/i] Her eyes widened and she quickly returned with: [i]Dad! Are you okay? What's going on?[/i] This time there was no reply. What had her father been trying to tell her? Suddenly the line from the prophecy came to mind, her father was already becoming powerless. They needed to embark on this quest quicker than ever. Elizabeth returned to the surface quickly. She walked out of the water and practically collapsed on the beach, her pile of clothing by her head. A gust of wind blew past and made her shiver. The shock of things was taking a toll on her. She didn't want to get up and go back to the campfire, she wanted to wait by the beach to see if her father would try and contact her again. ----- [indent][b]Michael Alexander Malleum[/b][/indent] The newest addition to their quest, the Son of Hades, was the guy Michael had been pushed into on his way to the fire. Michael looked down at the ground and smiled, shaking his head at the small group. Was it bad that he was losing hope already? They would probably embark on this quest and fail, not because of the imposing danger, but because of each other. When he heard Demelza spoke his eyebrows rose in surprise. He had expected silence from all of them. The son of Hades seemed to be mouthing something to someone in the crowd, and the daughter of Poseidon seemed to be intent on keeping to herself. Chiron's orders made sense. When he gave them Michael agreed with them full heartedly. Then again, Michael wasn't one to argue with authority. Then Elizabeth had to go and refuse authority, not even five minutes after the instruction had been given. She gave no room for argument after her attitude-filled statement. She was already gone. "[b]Should someone follow her?[/b]" He asked, while he watched her make her way to the edge of the crowd. "[b]I mean, I would, it's just that I don't want to die.[/b]" Her age didn't lessen the aggressive aura she put off, it surely didn't help it either. What did he know about her? Well her name was Elizabeth, Chiron had called her that. Michael only ever saw her hanging out with the children of Ares. Even during meals, when it was a strict rule to stay at your table, she broke the rules to sit with them. He had never seen her in training, but he knew her weapon of choice was trident. She had recently put in an order for a new one, her old one had accidentally gotten blown up with most of the other weapons. "[b]I bet she'll be fine though.[/b]" Michael continued, almost absolutely certain that Demelza or the other guy didn't care that much about Elizabeth. Michael didn't even care that much. "[b]Anyways, I'm Michael, head of the Hephaestus cabin.[/b]" Michael hated silence, that was probably why he had continued speaking. Ever since he had come to camp there was never a quiet moment. Even when he went to bed there was usually some music playing in the background. Someone caught his eye in the crowd, his younger brother. Michael stood and walked over to him. He started speaking, "[b]Brianna and Thomas are fighting about who will be in charge while you're gone.[/b]" Michael rolled his eyes, "[b]You can be in charge, I know you aren't the oldest but you are the most responsible. Tell them if they have a problem with my choice they need to take it up with me before I leave.[/b]" His brother nodded and left to go tell his siblings the news. Michael returned to his spot on the log, noticing the absense of Rachel Dare. She must've left to go with Chiron to go see Dionysus. It made sense. His thoughts returned to his siblings. Hopefully they could manage without him for a while. They still needed to replenish their stock of weapons, that was of the utmost importance. How would they stay organized without him? Perhaps they didn't need Michael as much as he thought they did, he hoped that was true. He looked from his scarred workmen's hands to the fire. It burned brighter than ever and seemed to reassure Michael that everything would be okay.