Illiendi paused and listened and hiked a brow at every mention of deceit, murder and other assumptions, one might assume he was a little insulted but when one looked it was a vague disappointment that shone there. Like when one had taught a mouse a trick only to try and show it to another and the mouse fall. It seemed for a moment as if the demon was going to explain himself but Illiendi prided himself on using only the words necessary. Did it really matter that he'd had no intention of blackmailing the mother or the father with the act committed behind the rose bushes? Nor did it truly matter to explain the brothers would only be harmed in ego and wounded in pride. He was a demon, a king of hell he had no need to explain himself to a human even his master. The plan he had would work regardless of his master being in full understanding or not and he hardly needed the approval of the man. No, his father and he, if they were ever alone, would chat on a good many things but the softness of Chesia's body or the noises she made when touched [i]there[/i] were as unlikely to leave his lips as they were hers. Unless the woman was a fool and a gossip. So the demon took a deep breath through his nose and released it slowly offering the human a brief bow to show his understanding in the matter. "As master seems to find the idea of sharing a bed with me quite distasteful, it is best I stay in the servants quarters, it will make other parts of my plan much easier for me to execute." The cruelty of his first words slipped away for the traditional coldness that was associated with Illiendi. It would mean Chesia could find him while they remained here whenever she desired, the younger of the two brothers could also find him and no doubt the older too, though he did hope at separate times, it would be rather difficult otherwise. It made him that bit closer to the kitchens and other necessary areas of the house as well, the gardens, the pantry, the main hall and laundry rooms. The condition and position of the rooms was rather irrelevant as he did not require to sleep, oh he could pretend to if such was necessary but the demons body didn't need food or rest to continue functioning. Any use of the room would purely be for aesthetic or theatrical purposes. With Amano once more facing the parchment ready for the notations the demon summoned back the list at the back of his mind and reorganised it to take into account the new 'information' since arriving at the place. "You will rise from now on with the bird song, I will come wake you and if required help you sponge bath and dress. You will have breakfast and send me to town for supplies for your trip. Assuming your father returns home while I am out you will explain to him the parts of your plan and we can write up and practice what you intend to say to him tonight. When I return we shall begin packing and gathering your assets for the voyage. I shall make certain to find a gossip so by even fall the town will know you plan to leave the following day. In the afternoon you will send for men to raise a plinth so you might address the crowds tomorrow, though certainly your father might suggest something similar when you win him around. Regardless of your fathers ruling you must be resolved to leave, or there is nothing more I can do for you."