[img]http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/World-of-Darkness-MMO-Progress-Detailed-at-EVE-Fanfest-2013-2.jpg[/img] (This Is a Advanced RP) Welcome to the world of darkness, where the dark of night is filled with creatures of your worst fears. Boston has always been a city that harbors in it’s shadows the dregs of society, but it also holds the secrets of a long held masquerade. A Prince with great ambition resides here upsetting the balance of the world around him, his own followers seem to be disconcerted with his actions and his greed. The wolves in the hills of New Hampshire grow restless with each night that passes as their lands grow smaller and smaller by the day. This will be a rp based off the World of Darkness by whitewolf. I realize that there are a lot of different races and classes to choose from, but with so much variety everything would get so muddled the plot would disappear. So I’m sticking with the most well known factions. Kindred (Vampires), Hunters (Humans), and Garou (Werewolves) will be the three playable races, I’m sorry to those who love mages or changelings, but I feel like that would just be throwing to much in the mix. To give a little insight to what’s going on with the RP the Garou have reactivated a Caern in the New Hampshire forests and vampire territory has encroached upon it enraging them, Anarchs have grown displeased with the current Prince of Boston, Sabbat have struck out in the city against everyone in a crusade, The Prince in his greed filled lust has begun stepping on everyone’s toes not caring about guidelines that are in place, and Hunters have come to Boston with all the red flags that have gone up and are hunting down the Prince. The typical rules apply to this RP, don’t make yourself overpowered, don’t god mod, be respectful etc etc. This is a advanced RP so I expected everyone to have the common sense to know what is expected of them. So, I’m gonna go ahead and put up some CS skeletons here so people can start creating their characters if they wish to. (I’d highly suggest it) Also be sure to say you’re interested in here if you’re interested that way I know how many people we have so I can get a idea of when or if I’m going to post the OOC. [url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Clan_%28VTM%29]Vampire Clans[/url] [url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Tribe_%28WTA%29]Tribes[/url] [url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Garou]Garou[/url] [url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Auspice_%28WTA%29]Auspice[/url] [url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Breed]Breed[/url] [url=http://www.wyrmfoe.com/werewolf-gifts/]Gifts[/url] [url=http://www.patman.org/wod/clans/wodclans.asp]Clans Disciplines[/url] [hider=Vampire CS] Faction Name: (i.e. The Barony of Hollywood, Ventrue of Beverly Hills, along those lines) Allegiance: Location: General Information: (alternative to summing up the foundation/general character of the faction in charcter biographies) Character Sheets: Name: Generation: (Nothing below 8th generation) Clan: Disciplines: Personality: Biography: Appearance: [/hider] Limit of 5 [hider=Garou CS] Name: Breed: Auspice: Tribe: Rank: (Nothing over 2nd rank) Gifts: Personality: Biography: Appearance: [/hider] Limit of 4 [hider=Hunter CS] Name: Age: Creed: Virtue: Skills: Edges: Personality: Biography: Appearance: [/hider]