Today had to be a bad day. Ryu had seen a kid, a small child, getting beating by some guy that kept yelling to the kid to give him all his money.. Seriously, a grown up guy beating a child into a pulp over money? how many children that play on the streets even carry money to begin with, he never had any money when playing outside. So naturally Ryu jumped in, grabbing the bat the guy was using, pulling it out of the man's hands and thrown it away, the guy got angry and smashed his fist into my chest. I could hear the bones in his hand break as it hit the silver colored layer of second skin, the man was at least smart enough to run screaming. could laugh at that at least, looked at the kid and got a rock in my face, did not hurt but still "hey what kind of thanks is that?" The kid threw a second one "kid, where did you hide those rocks when he was beating you, I am just freaking standing here, ah screw it" I ran, seriously I ran from a kid, Why dont have any any powers like shooting webs to sling away in style, here I am, super hero and I am running like the guy that broke his hand on my skin from the kid that same guy was beating, since when did super hero's become targets to bulling of little kids they save from bulling adults??? still that sucked, felt completely ridiculed, but then I just had to run into a street gang, and guess what, its broken hand guy's friends. worst of all I heard a sound from behind right after that. "mutant scum, die" followed by the blast of a gun. judging from the sensation it had to be a shotgun, it feels like I got a huge ball against me, but at least the pebbles are small enough not to hurt me. But others also pulled guns, so... yeah... have been running from those idiots for like 15 minutes before I realized, they had bikes, simple bicycler so did not hear it, but it explains why they kept up, only reason they failed to catch up was they kept trying to shoot my ass, and I meant that, they literally were aiming for my ass!! like what kind of mutant hating idiots aim at a persons but and not at the head of chest or, something vital?? did they wanted to torture me so they had to capture me or something, then why shoot a freaking shotgun first?? My only upside is that I am familiar with this place and if memory serves... yes, fire-stairs, one jump.... got it, yes, they wont be able to climb up here like this, I hope, at least it slows them down enough to get away... Climbing up as fast as I could, I started to jump from rooftop to rooftop to rooftop, getting to a big gap, I shifted the silver like mass, opening my stomach area but at least I could glide barely enough to get to the other building. Pulling my power back into my back I breathed, exhausted.. then I slapped my face "could have just used claws and climbed a building that way, would have been faster, arrg, freaking stupid me" I sat down and suddenly heard something, getting back up to look I noticed there was a human rights activist thing happening, interested I stayed on the rooftop and watched things.