[centre][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fe/China_Qing_Dynasty_Flag_1889.svg] [b]The Empire of the Great Qing[/b] [i]A Message from the Zongli Yamen[/i][/centre] The Empire of the Great Qing is pleased to hear of the many nations who have paid their deepest respects to the former Emperor. He reigned for only eleven years upon this mortal realm, and it is at the young age of thirty years old that he was snatched from amongst us - now he resides in Heaven, watching over our noble land by the side of the Yellow Emperor. It is our wish to honour his memory and ensure that the Qixiang Emperor may make his father proud in matters both at home and abroad, by ensuring a most prosperous life for the Chinese people and ensuring friendship with peoples from across the world. [u][b]On the matter of conducting friendly relations with the Empire of the Great Qing[/b][/u] In the spirit of our new era, we would like to announce that all nations who desire to conduct fair and friendly relations with the Celestial Empire may do so by contacting the Zongli Yamen, whose headquarters is situated by the Beijing Legation Quarter. It is there that the Qing Dynasty dearly hopes to receive dignitaries from abroad and light an eternal flame of friendship that shall be to the benefit of both ourselves and nations afar. [u][b]On the matter of the civil war plaguing the lands of America[/b][/u] We in the Middle Kingdom would like to state its position on the ongoing conflict that affects the states far across the seas of the east: we wish for nothing less than peace to be settled amongst the peoples of this continent. As such we look upon brightly the actions of the Empire of Brazil in seeking to bridge the differences between their afflicted brethren. Our congratulations goes towards Brazil, especially with their virtuous decision to house refugees of the war and host a conference of peace. They are a shining light of hope and justice in a continent clouded by the storms of war. Although the seeds of war have been sown, the Great Qing believes it is not too late for a bloodless solution to be found in Brazil. May peace reign over the Americas. [b]- His Imperial Highness Prince Gong of the First Rank, Leader of the Zongli Yamen.[/b]