Ally perched on the corner of a side street watching the regular mutant activists. She stood there silently, the lingering shadows from the balcony above instantly clinging to her just waiting for the slightest form of consent in order to conceal her fully. The sky above was gloomy, which was both a positive and a negative in her eyes. A dark sky meant rain was to come which inevitably meant a hard nights sleep in the cold and damp, however the clouds kept away the glare of the sun and allowed the shadows to stretch further beyond their confines - a new positive in her eyes. She watched with curiosity as the various messages were rallied between the group. She half wondered if there were others like her out there, so close that she could touch them if only she knew where to find them. Her ability, or power I guess in a sense, had started to develop only 3 months ago. At first she had no idea what was happening to her, and even now she still wasn't sure of the workings behind it. But she figured that with all this mutant protesting it was indeed her species these humans were trying to help. She smiled momentarily before taking a few steps back as a policeman wandered by, she was always wary of the bright yellow uniforms, especially in her line of work. Well I guess it wasn't really work, more like a way of life, a means for survival. She sighed looking towards the clock at the town centre. It was late afternoon and she knew if she were to find a good spot - hopefully with decent cover - to rest for the night, then well she best start searching now. She scanned the town centre once more before beginning to slink around the outskirts. She had planned a big job for tonight to set her up with some cash for a couple of weeks. It even gave her the rare opportunity to get online - a luxury she didn't posses and greatly craved in order to keep searching for things to better explain her abilities and what she could further do with them. So far she had only mastered simple tricks, all with shadows of course, but she wanted to know more, find more and most importantly see if there was anyone else like her out there for real rather than just taking what the humans spoke of as truth. For all she knew she may not be a mutant at all.