Jack winked at Drake as he strummed the guitar and took his position off stage. He always started off stage, it gave the others to both warm up the crowd and be the focus of attention without his singing getting in the way. The heart of the concert would be all him and then the others could have some solos and the end. It was a good way to give everyone some time in the limelight. Waving his hand a couple of young, skinny blonde bimbos came over carrying a bottle of water and his mic. He always got the manager to pick a couple of girls like that from the crowd on each gig to be his little assistants. He loved the attention and the girls loved being backstage, it was a win win. If he got to shag them that night as well then it was just a bonus. Sitting down on a sofa off stage a bimbo wrapped herself around each of his arms and he sipped the water as he mused on the venue. The place was a shit hole yet, as Drake had sold it to them, it was a shithole where a lot of big artists had been spotted there was certainly going to be at least 1 producer in the crowd or at the bar and he was going to make them want more. This was his chance to stop putting on music for the radio and start making music for the radio instead. Taking another sip the sounds of shouting and quick shuffling cut through the quiet as the doors were finally opened. Some of the crowd would be fans who certainly would be the loudest however a majority would simply be here for a good time and he was counting on Drake and the others to warm up the crowd and get them really going. "Pass us the earplugs hunny, I'm gunna need them in a sec." He pointed the girl on his right arm to the pale plastic ear plugs that meant he could hear the music but not deafen himself.