[center] [img=http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lesser_Coat_of_Arms_of_Russian_Empire.svg] I am disheartened that President Lincoln declined my offer of alliance but still is willing to support the Union by accepting to take any refugees from said nation and will remain ready to assist the Union if president Lincoln changes his mind. Also with the signing of the saint Petersburg treaty by Prussia we are ready to stand with the Prussians if any action is taken against them by any country and I am glad to have the Prussian brethren ready to do the same for The Russian Empire. We also would like to extend the invitation of alliance to the Austrian Empire Under the new Kiev treaty. As for The Passing of the Great Qing I and the Russian people are deeply saddened by the young death of such a great man and hope that his son shall grow to bring many years of prosperity and peace between our nation's and as such I wish to offer to him assistance in finishing the traitorous Tiaping rebels and is willing to send a division of Russian Troops to assist in destroying the remnants of Hong Xiuquans so called "heavenly army".We will also be willing to open our borders to any trade offered by the Chinese and as such are sending a number of diplomats in order to discuss such terms. [/center]