[b]Konohagakure[/b] Karela looked down at the unconscious form of the Imperial solder and smiled as she pulled two Shuriken out of the pouch attached to her jacket. She took a moment to relish what she was about to do. She had managed to knock him out from behind before he had known what hit him. [i]I wonder where I should carve it?[/i] She wondered idly. That particular thought vanished immediately as she heard the sounds of running feet hitting the ground coming from around the corner. [i]Damn![/i] Karela thought as she jumped up onto an overhead roof and laid down flat so she couldn't be seen as the sounds of the running footsteps stopped directly below her. She heard angry curses from under her. "Damn! Whoever did this must have heard us." She heard the sound of the Imperial Solder getting back to his feet. "Did you get a look at whoever did this?" She heard one of the other guards ask the one she had knocked out who was now up and awake. "No. Whoever it was hit me from behind." "Looks like we'll have to try again. Who wants to be the bait next time?" She heard one of the solders mutter dejectedly. It was apparently his turn to the bait. "Lets get back to the barracks." Karela waited until the footsteps were far enough away before she got back to her feet and shook her head. She had been looking forward to taking out the solder, preferably painfully but the opportunity was now gone. She jumped to the very top of the building and jumped from building to building as took off towards one of the rebel safe-houses, passing by the Hyuga compound, well, landing on the roof and jumping off a moment later as she continued on her way to the safe-house. Although Karela didn't care for much people, there was something about the Hyuga clan that she liked. She didn't know what it was exactly, but there was something about that particular clan that she respected.