Jerry stood casually as Jessica spoke to him, he was very impressed by her wording, Jerry was never one for words. Suddenly she leaned towards his ear and whispered to him, he was caught off guard by this but listened anyway [b]"We should create an army from the most powerful and destroy what stops our powers. Truly we were created for more than this."[/b]. Jerry smiled as she leaned back he began to nod his head, Jerry liked the sound of this, Jerry wasn't a thinker and would most likely go with whatever idea was presented to him the most eloquently. "yeah...." he continued to nod, he placed two fingers on his chin "...yeah, we should." He listened to her as she explained what she could do with her powers. [b]"I along with what ever I held could become a living stream of smoke, no prison could contain me, no human catch me. It unlike yours is a curse"[/b], this sounded very interesting, no human could catch? This girl could make a powerful ally. [b]"I've done terrible things"[/b], Jerry wasn't a particularly emotional man, but he understood empathy. He took a hand from his pocket and placed it on her shoulder, "Hey man, we gotta let the past be the past." He tried to console as best he could with his limited vocabulary, "right now we gotta worry about getting out of this dive"