[i]"Have the peace the world denied you."[/i] --Brucey, Page 1. (NOTE: Post was written quickly before having to move out July 1st. If there are errors it may take me a couple days to address them due to intermittent internet access until July 4th or 5th, if any at all. Thank you for your understanding.) --- [center][b]Central Apartments[/b][/center] --- The next few seconds would prove key to getting out of this situation alive. Thus, here it started. Kai's grenade sailed threw the air and without any ability to duck for cover, the medium armoured U-ARM agent hid behind the heavily armoured one, whom brought his arms over his waist and went down onto his knees, bowing his head. The grenade explodes, and the shrapnel has utterly no effect on him, though a howl of pain would make it clear that the medium armoured one had been injured in some way. Kiku's grenade toss was noticed by Alyss and with reflexes that could only be described as supernatural, catches and throws the live grenade at the enemy. The second grenade lands behind the heavily armoured U-ARM soldier. [b]"AMERICA FORGIVE M--"[/b] Is the last thing the medium armoured U-ARM soldier can scream before the grenade explodes at point blank, shredding his leg and putting several pieces of shrapnel into his chest and neck, killing him instantly. Matthew's inaccurate spray of bullets doesn't seem to hit anything, perhaps he should try aiming. Junko turns the corner to see a mechanical arm reach over the edge of the hole in the opposite wall. A head peeks out as she aims down her sights, a mechanical eye greets her sights and she squeezes the trigger, the round barely missing as the third U-ARM agent ducks the moment he notices the scope. Those were cybernetic implants: U-ARM wasn't supposed to have those, those were only a very recent technological discovery by Washington bunker, the specifics kept secret by the Council of ADAM. However, it was not all for naught. Retraining her sights on the heavily armoured soldier as he stood up she fired again. While the armour on his chest was a little thick to be punched through with bullets, her round managed to find its way through his left knee, blowing through the armour and shredding into the tissue and bone. Blood starts to seep through the newly made crack in his knee pad as he limps into a room on the right side, next to the one Kai, Kiku, and Abimael were located in. The cybernetic soldier manages to quickly pull himself up and scrambled past his dead friend to a room on the left, next to the one Alyss was located in. They had a brief moment to either run or make a brave last stand. Abimael was absorbing the blood on the floor that Kiku had left in the room, and it almost seemed to empower him somewhat, make him look stronger. Kiku's work with the med kits completed, though the painkillers would make her feel woozy. Still, the spines on her back now tingled with caution looking at Abimael. She could almost sense that he had grown stronger, as could Kai detect this. A voice crackles to live on their radios. It was Jenive. [b]"Me, Matthew, Junko, and our mystery woman friend can cover Abimael's escape. Kai can help Kiku and Abimael out before U-ARM gets to do whatever it is they're planning."[/b] There was heavy breathing on the other end of the radio. Jenive's injury was causing her a great deal of pain. [b]"Once you are all out of there, I can get Junko to safety with my jet pack, and our... Mystery woman... Has her own."[/b] She takes a deep breath. [b]"Ready..."[/b] Alyss seems to ponder the plan for a moment before nodding in agreement with it, motioning for Kai to help Kiku up and out into the hallway while she quickly reloaded her pistols. With any luck, they would all get out alive. Maybe. --- [center][b]South West[/b][/center] --- Liam follows Brucey's plan to the letter, as does Nathaniel. Despite the conflicting orders it seemed to be absolutely no concern for the biologist to leave the potential biological samples behind. Perhaps he already had his own, or he didn't think it was worth the risk. Either way, Annie ran after Nathaniel, as the wolf atop the APC leaped for the torso of Daniel's mech, having been largely unaffected by the low calibre rounds of the pistol. With his compatriots fleeing and his attention focused on attempting to coat the area the Alpha had been in, in flame, he found himself at the mercy of the wolf's merciless assault of claws and fangs. As a claw manages to finally rip through the heavy armour into his cockpit, inches away from his chest, a laser blast knocks the wolf off the top of the APC with such force so as to rip it from its claw, orange liquid splattering the consoles inside the mech and Daniel himself. Presumable, he reached for his gas mask to prevent death, which left only one sound in his ears. A dreaded one for every pilot. [b]"Pilot chamber compromised, console damage detect, reactor compromised, reaching critical mass. Pilot must eject."[/b] Daniel's attempt to radio Donovan yielded nothing but static. How unfortunate that the fog still seemed to retain its anti-radio quality. The laser shot from Marvin was sufficient to save Daniel's life, but not the mech. Still. His HE missile read off as ready, and as more wolves descended from the top of the bio-tower, which had consumed almost half of the APC already, he had an easy shot at them to delay reinforcements, at least for a few seconds. Brucey's sweeping pattern of fire, combined with covering fire from Liam, was sufficient to keep additional reinforcements at bay. Both Nathaniel and the Biologist as a result make it behind Brucey, though sufficiently far enough so as to prevent him from stepping on them. Cannon shots from a tank start to pierce the fog as a static radio signal manages to come through in morse code. Loosely translated, it stated: [b]"E-V-A-C-H-E-R-E-M-O-V-E-B-A-C-K"[/b], even Junko would be able to hear the sounds of a Chinook and a few vehicles moving onto the street in South West, just outside of the fog. Likely flat trucks for the mechs, and the Chinook for the soldiers. All they had to do was run. Moving back they would also see the desecrated remains of a mech, along with a blood stain in a ripped open cockpit. Sam was dead, and his mech beyond salvageable. --- [center][b]South East[/b][/center] --- Derek nods in agreement with the plan, though his movements belied uncertainty. He was a pilot, not a grunt. This was not his forté by any stretch of the imagination, even as he accepted the pistol and moved up to the third floor with everyone else. James' thermal scope would spot two figures moving towards the staircase, both running, though one carried a large, strange weapon, likely the chainsword, and the other carried a shotgun. Morai bursts out from around a corner, looking at the trio holding at the staircase he immediately jumps towards them, and lands on his back, remaining on his back so they could have a clear shot. The mutant turns the corner and immediately receives several pellets from the shotgun to its knees, slowing it down immensely as every conceivable manner of pain rained from James, Peter, and Derek over Morai's head and into the creature. It took almost fourty rounds before it finally fell onto its knees. Even then, as they all ran out of ammo in their clips, it wasn't dead. It did however seem at least [i]incapacitated[/i] while it regenerated, orange liquid bleeding out of the several holes in its barely recognizable female form. Morai scrambles back up to his feet and moves for the trio, panting as he does. The med kit work from earlier was keeping him on his feet, but no amount of med kits could make up for the wizened look beneath his eyes, or the beginnings of gray forming in his hair. While he wasn't elderly, he sure wasn't young anymore. He looks at James and manages an exhausted chuckle. [b]"Maybe... I should take... My own advice... More often."[/b] Peter would spot a few of the white humanoids ascending the stairs to the third floor at that point. He still had enough ammo to gun one down, though two more quickly took its place. Derek stood up and backed partway up to the fourth floor as he fired every round in his pistol and started reloading. [b]"Hey y'all don't know 'bout you but we should get a move on 'fore those fucks make me join in their little shit parade!"[/b] Meanwhile, Georgia and Carolyn were quickly working on an explosive. A few giggles between them, and Georgia produced forth an explosive with a small christmas light on it. [b]"SPARKLY PLUG!"[/b] She yelled into the radio as Carolyn snatched it from her. [b]"Explosive is ready, we can get out anytime now."[/b] --- [center][b]South East: Sewers[/b][/center] --- Adam nods in response to Eira's softness. He takes the pistol offered and checks to make sure it's armed, though his inexperience with firearms showed immediately. He knew the basics, nothing more. [b]"A pleasure."[/b] He responds as Roman introduces himself, Adam repeating himself to Roman as well. He took his position in the middle as requested. Roman's radio attempt got a response, from a politician... Ryan Dufont, the council member of ADAM who ruled over Bunker Chicago, responded. [b]"This is Ryan, all of our local air-power is focused on others asking for help, however, if you can get through the sewer system, you'll reach an underground outpost of ours. From there we can easily get you home. Set one of your radios to frequency..."[/b] The sounds of papers being flipped through could be clearly heard through the radio. From the sounds of it, he had a lot of them on hand. [b]"... One-Zero-Six-Point-Three. You will hear a light buzzing noise. The louder it is, the closer you are. It should be... South, generally. Once at the outpost you'll be taken above ground and driven here... That is all."[/b] Ryan then cuts out the transmission, leaving them there to figure out what to do. Adam looked around the sewer they were in. Presently it only went south, though a couple hundred meters in the distance, it looked like it split off south-east and south-west. Above them was, of course the sewer grate they had came from. Behind them, the sewer line devolved into a clusterfuck of bio-tendrils and other such incomprehensible monstrosities a mere half a kilometer away. It seemed to pulse and whisper, though for the two non-mutants, it didn't really mean anything beyond the fact that it was unearthly. [b]"Alright... Well."[/b] Adam says as he clears his throat, neither his gas mask or voice giving away his emotional state of mind. [b]"If it's... Generally south... Ahhh... South west? Anyone want to try that? I've never heard of a sewer outpost before."[/b]