[Center] Group 2, Remy's Group - Characters it affects (Ash, John,Luka) [/center] [b]"Idiots and fools. You brought the dead with you, brilliant move. Thanks."[/b] Remy took a deep breath, looking and glaring at the old man. "What the Hell is your problem, Gramps?" He shook his head, started to look around the small living room they were in to see if there was a way to help them out of this problem. "You and that woman were the ones who decided to ambush us and stop us from getting to where we needed to go. We led nothing here. Those things are everywhere, so what do you expect?" He was not usually so sharp, but something about this man rubbed him the wrong way. He made a note to keep an eye on him; he probably was not against killing other survivors if it suited his needs. [b]“Roof access? We can move along get ahead of the horde...”[/b] He glanced over at Ash and nodded. He did not know her at all, but felt like she could be trusted to scope out the upstairs. He left her to that and went into the kitchen, coming out a couple minutes later empty handed. No food, nothing. The place must been hit a while ago. [b]"Hey, you left one of your people outside.... You might want to save him before those things eat him".[/b] Sure enough, the old man was right, well half right. "He's not one of ours..." He nodded upstairs. "Anyways, I only met up with her and a couple others about an hour ago. Besides you're one to talk. Your partner just ate a bullet from the sounds of it and you seem to have no remorse." Crazy old coot. It was unreal how fast things were moving. He wondered if the little girl and Mercy were okay. Before the old man could do his stuff, Remy cracked open the front door and whistled as low as he possibly could, mimicking the sound of a common bird found in these areas. Hopefully, the undead would not be interested in the sound. He waved his arm urgently at the man in the grass, mouthing 'hurry get in here if you want to live.' The path to the front door was clear, but it would not be for long. --- Soon all Hell was breaking out. The old man set off several car alarms, or at least the sound suggested so. He kept the door open for the new guy and as soon as he entered the house, he was going to explain their situation and go find Ash upstairs. --- Upstairs, he looked around for Ash. Finding her in one of the rooms, he whistled again to get her attention, not wanting the girl to think he was one of the undead and startle her. "The old man has set off a lot of alarms. The undead are following the sound." He pointed out a window toward the center of town where most of the cars the town owned were sitting and going off. The undead were coming out of every nook and cranny and heading toward the sound. "We have about 10 minutes before the undead realize there is no food where the sound is leading them. The old man already left, heading for the forest, no doubt. Maybe he saw the others going that way." He looked around for the new man. "No time for proper introductions." He pointed at himself. "Remy." He pointed at Ash. "Ash." He pulled out his wrinkled old map that his boss had given him a long time ago. It was hand drawn map of California and had places on it that were not on normal maps. His boss had been a map collector and collected them every chance he got. They did come in handy in their police work. “There's a farm about a mile from town.” He squinted to read the small print written on the map. There were several points on the map where his boss had written trivia that he thought would be interesting. The one for Karn just talked about the old farm and farmhouse that had been owned by the Mathew's family since the small town first came about. ((Sorry, I had to nudge Luka a little to get us all together, though now John is off by himself again. Oh well.))