[i]‘Why am I even here?’[/i] Oh right. That. She looked up at the red headed maniac standing up on the stage shouting into a megaphone that urged the gatherers to cheer and chant along with him. [b]“Idiots.”[/b] Elena mumbled bringing the travel coffee cup up to her lips longing a hot bittersweet chocolate sip, only to be greeted with a lukewarm blandness. That’s what she got for ordering the largest size in the café. She brought the cup down and squinted her vision towards the crowd, of course all the moving people are just blurs in her eyes. Elena dug into the pockets of her hoodie pulling out her wide framed glasses. Slipping them on, she looked to the crowd once more. [i]‘There he is.’[/i] Smiling and cheering with a blue haired Asian girl held tightly to his side, was her own spiky haired brother. She didn’t even know why she was here. Julian had made his decisions and he should suffer accordingly. He smiled brightly at something his friend said and her stoic mask melted into a sweet smile. That’s why she was here. He’s just sixteen and has no idea what kind of mess he got himself into, and as his sister she had to protect his innocence as long as she could. Which meant stalking him to these protests, even if she might get drenched in the process, the sky was growing darker and the clouds heavier with rain. She could feel it deep in her bones. At least if something happened she would have a stable supply for her powers than the large water bottle in her bag next to her. She crossed her legs trying to look as casual as possible, so he wouldn’t detect her in the crowd. He may have acted like he hates her but he clearly didn’t. He would be gone each morning and would always leave her a glass of orange juice and toast ready on the table. The boy didn’t give up, constantly trying to get her to become active in their cause. Secretly, she agreed with everything he preached to her at night, and what the red headed man was yelling out to the crowd. She just couldn’t get caught up in it, too dangerous. Her iPhone pinged in her pocket and she dug it out to reveal that a new post on FreeGenes had been made. Julian had made her a profile without telling her, and she couldn’t figure out how to deactivate it. At least she could track him better, he was constantly on the thing and the other posts made by the people excited her, even though she never responded back. Elena yawned and picked up her coffee cup again. She was going to crash eventually 24 hours without sleep would do that to you but, she to make sure Julian made it home first. Elena was so out of it that she hadn’t noticed the door to the café open up and didn’t check to see that they had walked away yet before she picked up her coffee. Unscrewing the top, no steam rose off the liquid. She hardly had it not but ten minutes! [b]“Can’t get good service anywhere these days.”[/b] She said to herself as she stuck a finger in the coffee feeling the water mixed into it all and concentrated on the raising the temperature. The drink hissed and steam began to roll off, just under scalding like she liked it. Her finger burned a little but it didn’t bother her as she screwed the top onto it taking a long sip.