And people doubted Kiku's tactical genius. I say ha to you all. Ha! Daniel was stupid though. Amazing how I managed to flip reverse the whole 'Smart vs dumb' thing I thought I had going on. I'll make a list of NPC's for Central and South-West, if someone could oblige for South East, would be much appreciated. [u]South West[/u] [b]Alice[/b]-Biologist and primary rescue target of South-west, mission one. [b]Sgt.'Donnie' Donovan[/b]-Tank pilot and Captain. Has seen some shit [u]Central[/u] [b]Alyss[/b]-A pretty bad ass Ninja lady or something. Involved with Kai. [b]Abimael[/b]-A mutant child of some sorts. Enjoys the taste of blood and long walks on the beach. [u]Universal[/u] [b]Col. Marie Black[/b]-Top military dog of Bunker security, Chicago and a Christian. Important to lots of people and basically everyone's boss. [b]Ryan[/b]-Council Member for Bunker Chicago. Basically everyone's boss' boss. [b]Cpt Derek[/b]-Surprisingly under-utalised pilot of the 'Achilles Heel.' Equally surprising that his Chopper's name didn't end up getting him killed. [b]The mysterios Voice[/b]-A female voice that has spoken to listeners on multiple occasions. It is unknown what her purpose is, but she has apparantly given permission for Abamial to be examined by BC scientist, as well as helping guide Nathaniel. Unknown if she is a 'woman in blue' who assisted Donnie in S.West, or if that woman was Alyss.