Ivy followed dutifully after Jötz, still caught in a sort of post-Spark bliss as she watched the chalky white orbs clack gently against each other in the coils of the perpetual motion spring engine she'd created, the air around her pungent with mint. She was just a little sad the mints were all gone, though she was mostly confident she could find another batch at the next town they stopped at -- assuming there really was a next town -- and probably cheaper than she'd bought them back home. The thought of home gave her another dull ache somewhere deep in her belly, just long enough to draw her attention from the roughly lightbulb-shaped device in her hand, down to her other hand, or rather, to the empty space where it had been. She frowned through the darkness at it, lifting her stump -- it really [i]had[/i] been a clean cut, which was good, because that would make future augmentations much easier. She'd always felt five had been rather too few fingers, anyway. Jötz stopped walking so abruptly -- or else her mind had wandered further than she'd realized -- Ivy had nearly run into his back before she realized he wasn't moving anymore, having paused to gape at what appeared to be a series of underwater channels. Intrigued, she stepped around him, mostly bare toes at the edge of the stone platform to lean as far out over the water as she could manage, squinting down the tunnel in each direction before turning back to her Jaeger companion. She hadn't realized she was hungry until her offered her the dried meat, and by the time she realized what it was, her stomach was growling too loudly to politely decline. So, she took the offering with a small, if grateful, smile, gnawing quietly on the strips of meat as they walked, trying to remember what Jötz had told her about the canals. She was almost positive it hadn't all been positive.