[Kurama, Group A, Classroom 2-A, Second floor main building] Kurama looked around quickly hearing a voice but was unable to determine the source of it. Still he walked over to the door able to keep his composure. "Damn can't get the door to open and due to the void occupying the outside something tells me the windows aren't a good idea as well" Kurama said to himself before noticing the skeletal body by the door. Though he was slightly caught off guard he kept an emotionless appearance. He notices the scribbles in the floorboards and on the wall. "Don't read the newspaper hmm" Kurama muttered to himself looking around before he notices the newspaper the person who was here so desperately wanted others not to read. He walked over to it looking down at it. "This is definitely confusing its obvious something doesn't want anyone reading this so i'm curious to see what would happen." Kurama muttered to himself before crouching and beginning to read the newspaper. Of course he was cautious and would pause every now and again to check his surroundings. [Grant Harrison, Group B, stair case to third floor - third floor main building.] "The hell" Grant said glancing back only to notice that the stairs behind him were vanishing. He looked forward to notice blood on the walls and stairs he was walking up. "There's more people here and judging by the blood and crying I can hear......... Oh no! someones in trouble they might be seriously injured" Grant said to himself thinking he had figured out what the situation was as he broke into full sprint up the stairs into the third floor. He listened once up there and started to follow the crying to see where it would lead