[Yuno Gasai & Yukiteru Amano (Group A) - West Hall, First Floor Main Building] Silently agreeing with this other girl with them, Yukiteru tried to get a hold of himself as he slowly stood up to his feet. This was much worse the Survival Game, because they had no clue what was going on and what would happened to them if they were really trapped here. Despite all of the tension and terror this was causing to some, Yuno was perfectly calm and actually optimistic about finding this corpse near them. "We're in an alternate dimension of some sort, because everything around us is like a black void...but with every weird thing that traps us here, I'm sure that there's a way out. We just have to look for it, right Yukki?" Yuno said with a smile and glanced at her lover, making a very wild guess but it was the best that would fit this odd and scary situation. Taking a moment to get something from her pocket, Yuno takes out the small piece of blank paper she had found upon waking up here. "I found this when I woke up, since it's a blank white paper, I did my best to keep it unmarked and crumbled," Yuno said as she showed the paper to him. Yukiteru's eyes widened when he saw Yuno reveal this, meaning that the paper he had was probably important if everyone trapped here was given a small piece of paper. "Now...now that's unsettling, I have one of those papers too...it's like someone ripped these pieces from a sheet of paper and gave them to us while we weren't looking..." Yukiteru mumbled as he took out his piece as well. "Well, until we really know what it is, I think we should hold onto our pieces. Besides Yukki, our pieces seem to be a part of each other, look!" Yuno said as she held up her piece right next to Yukiteru's piece, seeing that it was ripped off into their pieces. This would apply to the other pieces that Jericus and Rikku had, that they would piece together with the other papers. --- [Group A (Kurama) - Classroom 2-A, Second Floor Main Building] The newspaper was quite old, aged to the point where the paper was a vintage yellow. As he read the paper, nothing weird or strange occurred, so it seemed safe enough to read the newspaper for now. It read: [center][Heavenly Post] 'Breaking News: Serial Kidnapping Ends In Murder' The good name of Heavenly Host Elementary School has been stained in blood today as horrific details on the recent wave of disappearances are revealed. Over the past month, numerous children have gone missing within the town, and authorities quickly turned to kidnapping as the most likely explanation. Now investigators have located the whereabouts of these children, and their findings are far worse than anyone could've anticipated. The bodies of the absconded youths were discovered within the Heavenly Host Elementary School building on September 18th, 1973 at around 7:00 PM. Authorities further revealed that a male instructor from the school was found with them, alive but near-catatonic, holding a pair of bloodied scissors. Each of the corpses appeared to have had its tongue sev__ed and remove_________________ique mutilations far too grot___________________g to describe.[/center] The rest of the newspaper was ripped apart, unable to read the rest of the article, but at least it started to give a clear background overview on what was going on with this school building that he was thrown into. Though, when he would turn his sights back to where the only doorway of the classroom was...unbelievably gone to where it seemed like the doorway never existed in the first place. The same could be said for the windows, as those would be gone immediately without notice. If he went to look at the newspaper again to see if there was something up with the newspaper that could explain why this was happening, the entire article he just read was gone...and it was replaced with one message. [center][Heavenly Post] You will never leave this room.[/center] Now this was probably why this person whose skeleton was left here had tried so desperately to keep people from reading the newspaper, because that was probably how this person died in the first place. Was it really impossible to leave the room? --- [Group B (Grant Harrison) - East Hall, Third Floor Main Building] Once he arrived at the third floor, the crying was clearly coming from the girls' bathroom, the door to the bathroom was wide open. A trail of smeared blood on the wooden floorboards would lead to the same bathroom, meaning that something was clearly wrong that could be happening. Even if all that was heard was crying...something about the crying seemed distorted and distant... ---- [Group B (Ketlin B) - Classroom 1-A, Second Floor Main Building] It was a strange change of pace to hear music come out of Ketlin, but of course it would attract all kinds of attention to those who would be nearest: good and bad attention. The attention he got...it wasn't actually good but it wasn't actually bad at the same time. It was more like...the attention he would realize he had gotten would be unsettling. The only source of light in the classroom, which was a single faulty light bulb hanging in the middle of the classroom's ceiling, suddenly flickered it's light away, having an uncomfortable lack of light shroud the classroom. There was an echoing voice that whispered throughout the classroom, there was someone in this classroom with him. The whispers would repeat again and again the same words, which were: [i]Go away...[/i] The voice belonged to a little girl, and he would see a [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130417231518/corpseparty/images/2/21/Sachiko_sitting_in_the_corner.png]little girl in red[/url] sitting in the corner of the classroom but quite near to where he was. The girl in red did not directly look at him, but she somehow knew that there was someone in her space, and she wanted to be alone. The same whispers were repeated again, the sweet innocent voice that came from the girl was steadily becoming much more twisted and malicious.