As he was approaching the bottom of the slope, Bruce noticed the sudden absence of Barbara. Where was she? He tilted his head back and immediately saw her. Her red hair stuck out of the white background like a flame in water. He also noticed the man next to her, he had a tense body, angry no doubt. And judging by how Barbara stormed away, she too was angry. When the man had confronted Barbara, Bruce did everything he could to keep in the distance, but his parental instincts were really tugging at him. With the absence of any child in his house, he felt strangely off. He wasn't used to the lack of responsibility. Sure, he wasn't the best dad ever, but he tried, and he tried hard. Putting his gloved hands in his coat pockets, he continued his descent. _----_ Before the trip to Blüdhaven, Dick had been [i]lively[/i] to say the least. Now, he looked as if he hadn't slept in days; dark circles under his almost dull blue eyes. With his car keys hanging by his fingertips, Dick entered the complex that he and Ray had been staying in, though lately, Dick had been staying out at night, doing whatever he could as Nightwing to help out the people in Blüdhaven. It had taken a toll on him. Though he was too stubborn to admit it, and too [i]him[/i], to stop helping the people in order for him to recover. Dick shuffled into the room, leaning against the wall when he was near Ray, secretly using it as a support. "We're leaving." he said, his tone of voice strangely dull, his face almost agitated. "C'mon, let's get packing" That said, Dick left Ray to absorb the sudden desicion to go. Dick could only think smugly to himself that Bruce had been right.... Blüdhaven was a corrupted city. Whatever good entered, never came back out the same way. The same would be true for him as well.