[center][b]Demelza[/b][/center] Demelza squirmed as she felt herself being studied, glancing aside and seeing Poseidon's child looking at her. Demelza couldn't help who her mother was. no more than Elizabeth could help who her father was. She didn't think either of them had to be at odds because of who their parents were. Yet she doubted they would get along in any case. Demelza was startled as Chiron spoke, stating they should introduce themselves and get familiarized with each other, but Demelza didn't think that was going to happen with Elizabeth. She let out a sigh as Elizabeth walked off, blantantly defying chiron's orders. [b]"Should someone follow her?"[/b] Demelza hesitated, thinking that it would be best to stay here. And She didn't know what reception she'd get from Elizabeth in any case. [b]"I don't want to die either"[/b] she said softly, squirming slightly, wishing she could have the strength or ability to go after Elizabeth. But Demelza really didn't want to have her head bitten off, she she decided to stay where she was. She looked over when Michael continued talking, introducing himself. Hephaestus, well, that was better the poseidion. She smiled almost shyly, and was going to reply, when it was clear that siblings of his came over, so Demeza fell silent, then realised she'd probably have the same issue with her own siblings. she looked over to where her younger siblings were, seeing her younger ones, the 12 year old twins, a girl and a boy, named Jamie and Julie, seemed lost, just now realising that they wouldn't have her here, if she had to go off on this quest. She felt so sorry for them, and she went over, to here her the oldest of her younger siblings squalling over who would take her place. [b]"Becky, Jackie, you know its going to be Dan who will be head of our cabin"[/b] Demelza said with an amused tone, kneeling down in front of the twins, and giving them both a hug, [b]"You be good for the older ones, okay? I'll be okay, you'll see. Mother wouldn't have chosen me if I wasn't capable, if I wasn't meant t be a part of this"[/b] She said, giving them both a quick kiss, before doing the same with the middle children, and then the three oldest, beside her. [b]"You all be good, okay? I don't wanna hear that you three have been picking on the younger ones, or I will have to kick your butts-don't laugh, I can do it, and you know I can"[/b] She said to them, before smiling, and hugging them all again, returning to Michael, and the yet as unidentified fourth member of this prophecy. She sat back down, feeling awkward sitting with the two boys, unable to think of anything she could say. [i]hey, were gonna be spending a lot of time together, it seems?. Yeah, right[/i], she thought to herself. looking down, then she looked over to see Michael appearing trouble. She swallowed, moving over to him slightly, "Don't worry about your siblings, they'll be okay"[/b] She said,trying to be reassuring, and comforting. [b]"They seem like good kids, and I'm sure Chiron and others will watch over them too...maybe"[/b] she didn't think that was very comforting, and she winced, muttering a quick [b]"Sorry"[/b]. [center][b]Cameron[/b][/center] Cameron couldn't help but thing that Poseidon's daughter was disappointed in him as if she had wanted someone else. Well, that was the story of his like, the only person that had ever wanted him was his sister. And his father. But his father was a god, so he didn't count. He rolle his eyes as Chiron sad about getting to know each other, and watched Chiron go, looking over to where Elizabeth was, seeing as she got the last comment for Chiron. And then as soon as Chiron was gone, Elizabeth said [b]"Well, as much as I want to get to know you three I have more important business to attend to. Don't wait up."[/b] He chuckled to himself, looking towards Micahel and Demelza. He watched them, rolling his eyes as Michael suggested someone going after her, nut neither of them even made a move to follow after her, both saying they liked to live. "Cravens" He muttered to himself, but he didn't get up yet to go after Elizabeth, deciding she needed time to herself. He absently took out a gold coin, something he'd woken up with one day, and knew it was from his father. He stroked it, frowning to himself as he watched the two speak with their siblings. He looked over to where Lucy was, and smiled, seeing her interacting with other kids her own age, and knew she would be alright. He looked down to the coin, frowning. Normally, it was warm, and sometimes, he felt his father's presence there, but now...it just seemed dull and pathetic, like a normal coin. What did that mean? He recited the prophecy back to himself. [i]To the city of dreams the heroes are called To fight the forces that have been enthralled. Allies united at a crucial hour To save the Gods that were stripped of power. If the battle is lost at dawn, the Heroes Shall fall to the craft of the Dark One's pawn Casting Olympus into endless winter On the darkest night of Cruel December.[/i] He frowned, knowing there were several important things there. [b]"To save the Gods that were stripped of power."[/b] he muttered to himself that gave him cause to worry, and fear rose in him. Gods. Striped of power. [b]"Dad?"[/b] He whispered, and bit his lip, thinking to go for a walk, and figure this out. He rose, shoving his hands into his pockets, looking to the other two, [b]"I'm Cameron by the way. I'l go find our wayward Sea girl"[/b] He figured he knew where she went. To water, of course. Poseidon's daughter would find comfort there, he thought. So he headed in that direction, He found he spread out on the beach, in a way that suggested she had practically fallen there. Worried that something had happened, he went over to her, kneeling down,[b] "Hey, Elizabeth, come on, you can't stay here"[/b] He said, shaking her shoulder. [b]"Don't make me carry you back, because that will just tick us both off" [/b]