This day was an absolute relief for Danny who had been heavily bundled by sheer amounts of stress and work projects from the past few days. It wasn't easy to compensate extensive effort for a rewarding outcome even for a business man. Most of the time, Danny would end up restless while he constantly mushes up a large percentage of his labor. But all of it paid off, for now at least. Day offs were sometimes difficult to predict, sometimes the busiest people might even forget something like that existed. Whatever shenanigans and misunderstandings may emerge from the day off's purpose, Danny would firstly be thankful that he had one just for once. All was perfectly well until something bustled in to thrash his plans. Unfortunately, the plans arranged for spending a day free from work was rather a disappointment as weather forecasts blunted with dissatisfying news. It was sad for the most part for Danny but he was persistent towards it. He wanted his day off to be worth but sadly, mustering an idea in the midst of an upcoming storm would be rather difficult to carry out. Still, it was disappointing but as Danny carefully swam through his thoughts, there was a simple yet absurd idea which came up flashing inside his mind. [b]An hour later[/b] There was something amiss. Juno felt agitated, or at least it was something Danny could comprehend from the behavior she was recently demonstrating. Though he had to admit, it was quite tiring to glance back and forth at the poor girl on the backseat of the car. Her eyes were looking stably blank, breaths were quite rapid and heavy and her stout velvet tail was wobbling frequently. After another glance, Juno began yelping softly, almost as if she was weeping. Danny slowed the car's pace down, taking yet another glance as he warily examined the dog. "You alright there buddy?" Danny whispered audibly. Haplessly, there wasn't anything he could think to ease off whatever troubles Juno was facing. He had to stop the car but if he would, his renewed plans for the day-off might end up in shambles. There wasn't any choice actually and if it would be for Juno's sake, he had to do stop it. Spotting a parking space nearby, Danny cautiously whirled the steering wheel as he moved the car over, slowly setting up beside another car. As he glanced thoroughly through the windshield, Danny noticed that he actually drove at the town square but at least, this unintended happening phased with the first part of his day off plan which was driving around the city. Few tiny blobs of rainfall started to give trace towards the car's windshield. That indicated only one obvious matter. However, there was still Juno who was continuing the weak yelping. Obviously Danny disliked the sound of it and the fact that his ears might be screeched for the next several minutes if he won't think of something to stop it. Luckily, he remembered bringing Juno's treats along and immediately reached for it under the front seat. Sadly, it didn't solve anything. In fact, it made things a lot worse for Danny to handle as the dog's yelps shifted into excessive movements of agitation. Juno descended from the backseat and went sauntering back and forth inside the car. The sight of it made Danny sigh heavily as he brushed his palms against his face. And the thought of his plan working perfectly faded too soon than what he never expected. "Alright buddy, time to drive home" As slightly frustrated as he sounded, he might actually consider on having some decent time at home though it wouldn't satisfy him fully. Doleful about the ill-fated results, Danny restarted the car's engine, bursting in as the air conditioning went after. Seconds later, his senses flustered something which was sounding quite odd. At first, he thought it was the engine but then again, he was certain that it was in a good shape as to what he examined the day before and most certainly, the sound wasn't something an engine would normally emit, from what he observed at least. Danny browsed the vicinity, tilting his head over to different sides hoping to find wherever the source was. Then, it started to grow audibly. "What the.." Curious, Danny grabbed an umbrella and opened the front seat's door. "Stay there for a while buddy, I'll be right back." He spoke softly as he glanced back at Juno. After a few walks from his car, the sound earlier shifted into a swarm of angry cries. There was a protest or perhaps an activity held by activists. What would it be this time? That was something Danny both understood and was quite aware of, but judging from the looks of it all, there might be something different. Something unexpected that might probably involve a lot of innocent lives. Danny finally caught a much clearer view of the scene. He pulled the hood of his sweatshirt then went on strolling towards the crowd cautiously.